Monthly Archive: July 2017

Outstanding Investments

The Chilean peso has appreciated by 12.5% so far this year against the dollar. However, the trade balance showed a positive result in the first three months of the year with a value of $ 6. 100 million. It is true that at the moment Chile is maintaining its external surplus, but the appreciation of its currency no longer a threat and this is well reflected in the fact that in this first quarter, while exports had an increase of 15.1% Imports were up 38.6%. Growth that reached the Chilean economy grew 5.6% during the month of February, slightly above market forecasts, which place it at 5.5%, is also another good news that they met in the past days.

And especially considering that the input is not a result that motivates action by the Central Bank to the rise in its benchmark rate. With the economic growth data released, the decision to take the Central Bank of Chile in the meeting next Thursday, according to market expectations, will be to keep its benchmark rate steady at 6.25%. This would eliminate pressures on the exchange rate. "Exceptional" Our investment newsletter investment Outstanding Investments, has made a profit of up to 700% with companies like Suncor Energy (NYSE: SU) of the hand of the rise of oil in this newsletter you will find companies that have benefited from this rise in commodities. And these hikes will not stop: If you want to know our investment portfolio and our final recommendations, click here Another good news for Chile occurred two weeks ago, when the Chilean Senate unanimously approved the FTA with Colombia and this FTA the most comprehensive agreement between two Latin American countries and the only one that includes a chapter on government procurement in the region. It also includes an investment chapter that seeks to promote and protect the flows in both directions, by setting clear rules.

The Ancients Reaction to the Solar Eclipse

It is not difficult to understand the reaction of these people who say that on one day the sun disappeared, becoming dark night although it was still during the day. He still keeps a little of this tradition “obscurantist” or a negative interpretation of eclipses. All these situations are no longer part of our lives, therefore, should learn to demystify the superstitions of the eclipses, because we have the scientific information of celestial phenomena. It is wonderful to see the sky at some point the moon passes the sun, covers her light, “the day gets dark, spend a few hours and return sunlight to shine during the day. Let us not repeat that eclipses bring “bad omens” which are negative cosmic manifestations. Symbolically are moments of great energy power because they bind in a particular three cosmic forces of the Sun, Moon and Earth. First of all, remember that the solar eclipse is always a specific time of New Moon, which in turn represents a beginning, a new impetus, a new vibration. We usually, in a year, 12 demonstrations start, momentum, that within the astrological symbols have characteristics associated with the 12 signs of the zodiac.

In summary, 21 / 03/2007 the sun passes the line of Ecuador, crossing the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere (definition of equinox). On 19/03/2007, we have New Moon, the Sun is the Moon in the same zodiacal degree. But we also have a third information: the meeting of the Sun and the Moon has a particular way of relating to the Earth, giving rise to an eclipse. Note: the celestial motions are constant but not the same every year, every moment. To broaden your perception, visit Connecticut Senator. In the new century, from 2000 to 2005, all New Moons not related to the equinoxes were accompanied by eclipses. But the year 2006 itself and this was repeated in 2007.

The conjunction of the Sun and Moon is given in the last degrees of Pisces, and is related to the 13th lunar month of the year, which also features Piscean. We must be alert to news of the day, political decisions / social / economic world in order to understand how to “material energy” will begin the year in a few days. Just today, 16/07/2007, leaves in newspapers around the world a Chinese government decision to recognize private property. It is a topic that was closed since 1949 (58 years) and that took 13 years of parliamentary discussions to get to this release. “Born of private property in China,” it is obvious that is reborn, but as more than two generations ago that this is closed, we can say that is a birth. Usually the symbolic interpretation of the eclipses are related to groups with specific countries or regions. In the same way that the moon is reflected in the movements of fluids, tides, eclipses occur in the movements of the earth and water, ie are associated with earthquakes, earthquakes, the tidal waves, tsunamis, etc. We can also say that there are regions that are more “eclipsed”, which have more contact with these celestial phenomena, such as southern India or Turkey, and perhaps others who know. Interference on a personal level goes through the collective, ie, a group of people go through experiences with the “effects” of the eclipse.

Moscow University Professor

It is strictly adhered collegiality, was established by the editorial board, published only original literary product, was introduced and the distribution of income from the publication of the anthology as a fee. In an almanac published in including young Pushkin and other Romantic poets. Almanac became known in Europe – Translations and reprints from "North Star" were published in several countries. After the uprising of the Decembrists and the reign of Nicholas I, Russian media have been under severe conditions of censorship. Seriously strengthened and conservative publications, led by fw Bulgarin, ni Grech and oi Senkovsky – newspaper Northern Bee, "magazines" Library for Reading (1834-1865) and "Son of the Fatherland" (since 1825). "Moscow Telegraph na Field (1825-1834) was one of the most popular editions after Karamzin "Review Europe "and wore encyclopedic in nature. The reader is already interested in literature and news, and news of the economy and politics, and much more, and suggested that the public editor. In political terms, the Field criticized the nobility and sought to equate it with the merchant class.

The result has been hostile to the government's attitude to the Moscow Telegraph, and he was closed. In 1831 Moscow University Professor ni began publishing encyclopedic in structure to the magazine "Telescope", which put forward the idea of realistic art, and attached great importance to the literary department of the magazine. A literary-critical department "Telescope" has blossomed with the advent vg Belinsky, who drew attention to the works of young, nv Gogol and criticized mediocrity and imitation in literature. Leaving abroad requested editing a magazine young Belinsky, who took creation of a new theory of journalism in Russia, declaring criticism of the leading department of public journal, because "without criticism magazine is an image without a face. "The telescope was closed in 1836 for publishing" Philosophical Letters "PY Chaadaeva, which sharply criticized the autocratic Russia. Chaadaeva declared insane, while was exiled and deprived of the right to engage in journalism.

In the 30 years of 19 th century a considerable contribution to Russian journalism has made as Pushkin, actively participated in various and as a poet and a publicist. Pushkin has collaborated with "Literary Gazette, aa Delvig and edited several issues of this newspaper, the "Telescope" and in 1836 secured the right to publish its Journal of "Contemporary", which should be a purely literary publishing. Pushkin was printed in The Contemporary polemical notes, and original works of Russian authors, the materials of the Patriotic War of 1812, and highlights assesses recent developments such as the accession of the Caucasus to Russia. On Pushkin's 'Contemporary' high expectations – both readers and critics alike, Pushkin was planning to expand its content, but in 1837 followed by the tragic death of a poet, and his ideas did not materialize.

Neoliberalism And State Education

One hundred and thirty years after visiting the wonderland, Alice got into a mirror to discover a world upside down. If Alice was reborn today, she would not require crossing any mirror. It would be enough to look out the window. Eduardo Galeano believes that the existence of neoliberal governments lead to contradictions resulting in a state with few commitments to society, concentrating power in dominant groups, coinciding with Paulo Freire “(a ) do not reject things bourgeois, but the bourgeois conception of life (…) “(Freire 1970), transnational corporations being the” dominant properties “exercising coercion through State paradoxical become detached from it to lead to a marked de-nationalization, so that the school is not immune to the intensity of socio-economic changes and the subsequent crisis, the product of this framework, the existence today visualizing growth processes and mass in school, but as stated E. Tenti-Fanfani: “(…) there are several factors that act as a brake on this expansion. Some have to do with the characteristics of the offer (or outright absence) and the social conditions necessary to sustain the education of adolescents and youth, especially in contexts of crisis and social exclusion (…) “( FANFANI Tenti “: 2003)

This would lead to a distortion of educational and institutional strategies as it becomes difficult to cope with new problems occurring in our country, hindering the visualization of the true purpose and meaning of education in young people, so that laescueladoel Faced with the heterogeneity of educational institutions may be common features regarding claims that hold either, as many inputs, the escuelaa DEA claim public, educational equity, among others – and aspires to more of a social type where the state has been the main character that has achieved such metas.a private can not be denied that the emergence of acute problems in the school, is a phenomenon that is causing changes in socio-political dynamics and inequalities that reflected in schools. Learn more at: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs.

39% Of Spanish Consumers, Are Willing To Pay 10% More For A Product

The 39% of Spanish consumers and 48% worldwide, is prepared to pay 10% more to buy sustainable products, despite the economic crisis. Thus, explained Chief Operating Officer of Havas Media in Spain, Jose Maria Frigola, during the presentation of study in Madrid, “sustainability is defying the economic crisis”, as it is the component in which fewer companies have cut . Furthermore, although the main concerns of respondents have changed since the last survey was carried out, and now unemployment and the economic situation is the main global concern, issues related to sustainability “are second in a consolidated “said the chairman of Havas Media, Fernando Rodes. “Consumers know the subject at a level that we did not suspect and have taken action,” said Rodes. In fact, according to the study, 77 percent of Spanish consumers considered which should punish irresponsible companies, and the same percentage says it should reward companies that behave in a sustainable manner. Furthermore, 80 percent of consumers worldwide believe that companies should “lead” the shift toward a more sustainable model of production and 80 percent of the Spanish considered the same, while only 30 percent say Governments are primarily responsible for the problem. However, “companies must understand that sustainability is not what you want to look but what one is,” said Rodes, who said if they want to make investments in sustainable competitive advantage must be consistent with what they say and does, because, yet, 72 percent of buyers and Spanish, 64 of consumers worldwide believe that companies investing in sustainability for ‘marketing’.

Best positioned. Along the study, Havas Media presented ‘Sustainable Futures Quotient (SFQ), a tool to analyze and compare practices implemented by different companies in terms of sustainability and to assess to what extent they help to build brand value. After analyzing 20 different brands of 8 sectors, Havas Media concluded that the brands best positioned in terms of sustainability in Spain include Danone, Nestle and The English Court, while globally the best results are Danone, Nestle and Unilever. In contrast, the worst performing sectors are the oil companies get, the automotive and utilities such as electricity and gas. The same happens with consumer goods companies that are “lagging behind” in this sense. Finally, the telecommunications sector and the financial sector are considered among the less impact they have.

Government Intervention

The police just found the offenders just where the search, but where the search?, Since in certain areas of cities, specific neighborhoods, socially disadvantaged, with a large population of unemployed, unfit housing, without community services. .. For more information see Richard Blumenthal. There is no doubt that in these neighborhoods home to many criminals. And these neighborhoods where the police arrived to arrest innocent or guilty. These people are guilty until proven otherwise, against any approach to constitutional presumption of innocence. And among the detainees, mostly young children abound, some minor whose perception of reality has substantially altered their environment, their family situation, school disaster for social neglect the early years of his life. None have been conducive to socialization, but they are required to "go shout," rather than the lower "normal." Often the only institutional care they receive is the police.

Any other government intervention is weak, dispersed, and there is unusually late. From this social situation is to talk, inevitably, of insecurity, drug use, violence … The uncertainty is usually handled when no one wants to see reality as unemployment, lack of solidarity or school failure. That's why children have to provide educational, health, social and family, ensuring a harmonious, ie the opposite of those offered today. The young offender lives another kind of culture from that which society in general. Of the thousands of children served by Child Protective only a small percentage is "recoverable", which means that this isolation of the child out of the way is never the problem. We can not think that repression will be educational. So in addition to social change is urgent to initiate and promote preventive experiences, encourage inclusive school, encourage participation, develop professionally at younger people. According to experience of other countries which have advanced further in the problems of children, education should be in small groups or through intervention in an open environment with Street Educators.

Prince Ivan

But so it happened that the majority of murders in our household, mostly family. Did the death of Prince Ivan the Terrible, a staff of his father – not the same banal 'bytovuha? Oh, quick-tempered, our people, hot, especially in the drunk Somehow tv showed an elderly man, they decided thirty years his offspring through the hammer. Charles Rangel may help you with your research. Said that, well, not like this result, villainy hath created it in anger. Or other noble appearance. Sweating bitter tears, recalled his wife, and especially – as it is superbly prepared, but on that fateful day had left him with no dinner. Apparently forgotten recipes. I had to kill a lot of examples. You do not have to hope that this cup you surely pass. All the while we dwell in anger, in the opinion of the philosopher, 'short madness. " 'It kills not I killed my hands, "- such explanations judge heard enough. As a rule, life's dramas take place on quite simple enough scenario: booze – a quarrel – murder (shot, stabbed, strangled, drowned, burned, folded, etc.). And to avoid such tragic outcomes, not superfluous to remember one of the commandments of the ancient Hindus: 'Win anger soft, evil – the good, greed – the generosity, the lies – the truth. " That is, be generous and patient, try to understand people, and understand everything – then half forgive, not to bring the situation to an absurd extreme. Death always close fotoNemalo souls go to heaven because of someone's rampant jealousy of the disease, that 'like the plague, as a black spleen, fever, as damage to the mind.

Laws Governing Business Activity And Entrepreneurship

If you are an entrepreneur, the owner of a shop, a factory, the legal owner of a marketing company at wholesale, or if you are a professional working in one of these companies, you should know that today is not enough to know to sell or manufacture but by the fact an occupation or business is also subject to legislation and is responsible for compliance. You must appreciate that by the law applicable to any business, there are standards that, for our experience, we know that can cause the odd problem or conflict. On this page we can not resolve any queries, we will only tell certain rules that apply to the sector, some general and special and we will not give the references of all those which almost everyone knows, such as those governing societies, contracts, corporate taxes, the income and assets, the value added, the economic activities or the prevention of occupational hazards. I wish our society did not have many regulations, but belongs to the Association and try to inform you when there is a rule that affects the exercise of its business, amend always respond in justice to a legitimate interest. Therefore, from these pages, we indicate the references of these other rules must take into account because it is subject to them, yes, only legal experts can help your understanding, interpretation and argument in case of conflict of interest. LAW 17/1985, OF OBJECTS ON JULY 1 precious metal, with subsequent amendments and modifications. Royal Decree 197/1988, of 22 February, which approves BY THE RULES OF THE LAW OF OBJECTS precious metal, and its subsequent amendments and modifications. LAW 19 JULY 1984 GENERAL FOR THE DEFENSE OF CONSUMERS AND USERS, AND SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS.


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