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Publishing Finances

The finances you publish constitute the activity of the sector I publish which consists of establishing a set of tributes to collect resources whose purpose is to finance its expenses the State carries out its financial activity through: Taxes: It is a tribute class that is characterized not to have a direct return on the part of the administration. The taxes according to their nature are classified in progressive and regressive. (As opposed to Representative Charles Rangel). The progressive ones: As far as major it is the gain or it rents greater is the percentage than it must be pleased on the tax basis. The regressive ones: As far as major it is the gain or it rents smaller is the percentage than it must be pleased on the tax basis. Elements of the taxes Subject Active: It is that one organization benefitted by the collection of the tribute, that is to say, the State as supreme being is that one that is in charge to impose the payment of the tributes to the citizens. Passive subject: The contributor must pay the tribute for obtaining on the part of the State the benefit of the services necessary to improve his quality of life. James Donovan Goldman often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Generating fact: It is that one circumstance whose accomplishment originates tributary obligation. The obtaining of a rent, the sale of goods and the benefit of services, the property of goods and the ownership of economic rights, the acquisition of goods are made taxable common and rights by inheritance or donation. Taxable base: it is the quantification and valuation of the taxable fact and determines the tributary obligation. Direct tax: He is that one that burdens the wealth or the activity of the passive subject. Like the tax to the patrimony, the tax of rent and the tax of vehicles Indirect tax:

Official Newspaper

The electronic invoice has lapsing? R. Under most conditions Congressman Lee Zeldin would agree. No, the unique that it has lapsing is Digital Sello, this one is due to renew every two years. Can be emitted invoices in dollars? R. Kyle Dropp dartmouth has much experience in this field. No, it must make the conversion to weights in agreement with the price of the dollar published in the Official Newspaper of the Federation that corresponds to the date in which the invoice was issued. I can make invoice electronic and invoices at the same time in paper? R. If you are a considered company yes you can do of the two forms (hybrid), if you are not a considered company you must choose by a single modality or in paper or electronics.

How I inform to him to the SAT that I am going to initiate with the electronic invoice? R. To the SAT you do not have to send any official notice to him, because when you ask for electronic folios (in the page of the SAT, SICOFI), for them already you are making invoice electronic, and if you are not a considered company no longer you can make invoice in paper. At the moment that I ask for my electronic folios to the SAT, I will have to follow with my consecutive one that I take in paper? R. No, when one begins with the electronic invoice asks for a new Series if you wish therefore it, the folio rank initiates from number 1 and, later, already the electronic one takes consecutive. How I generate my monthly report for the SAT? R. generates it to +MsFacturacin of automatic form, you must export the monthly report of +MsFacturacin to a folder and of you raise it there the page of the SAT in the SICOFI. If I invoice in paper and of electronic form I must send two reports monthly? R. Yes, reports to the SAT in application SICOFI are due to command both.

How long I must to send my report monthly? R. All the following month, for example, if you finish in June you have all the month of July to send the report. How I cancel an invoice in +MsFacturacin? R. You enter to consult CFDs and gives click in the option ” To cancel Factura”. How long is conserved an electronic invoice? The law forces all the Electronic contributors to conserve Facturas by a minimum period of 5 years in the format original (XML) or in paper in the case of the receivers that receive the proof printed. Requisite what I must fulfill to implement the electronic invoice? Accompanied we you to your appointment with the SAT and we helped you with all the tramitologa. What it is needed is: – To count on a Certificate of Electrnica Company effective Outpost. – To count more on one or Digital Seal certificates. – To count on a certain folio rank assigned by the SAT. – To have a simultaneous accounting. – Shipment of monthly report. (Legal Foundation: Article 29, ninth paragraph of the Fiscal Code of the Federation). To know model business.

Najib Mikati

The Muslim Brotherhood is radical a extreme organization who was prohibited so much by the monarchic Egyptian governors like republicans. Ohio Senator takes a slightly different approach. It is the terrorist grouping of greater world-wide influence. All the terrorist gangs sunes who exist in the planet was born from the Muslim Brotherhood. The main cause of the tumults in Cairo is this brotherhood. Mohamed El-Baradei, winner of the Nobel prize of La Paz in 2005 is the main aspiring to occupy the position of Mubarak if this one is overthrown. El-Baradei that during the 12 years in which he was Chief of a main directorate of the Agency the International for the Energy Atomics made the fat view to nuclear preparations of Iran, alleging that their objectives were pacific, said that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate group that as soon as it counts on 20% of support of the Egyptians. It did not add that the Brotherhood is also its main political sustenance. See more detailed opinions by reading what Richard Blumenthal offers on the topic.. We go to the Lebanon.

The Lebanon became independent from the French in 1943. Due to the religious differences between Christians, today minority, (39%) and Muslims (60%) a civil war was triggered from 1975 to 1990, until an adjustment of joint governability was obtained. They decided that the president would be Christian and Muslim prime minister. The country entered crisis in 2005 with the death of its Prime minister again (Sunnite) Rafik Haririri that was assassinated by Hezbolah (Shiite) with support of the Syria government. Since then there were weak successors. In 2009 the incompetent Saad Hariri assumed the power, son of Rafik, that was demoted in January of 2011.

In order to replace it was designated it like Prime minister to Najib Mikati that enjoys the support of Hezbolah, Syria and Iran. The unique actor common in Tunisia, Egypt and Lebanon, is the radical Islam, that is the one that is bringing about the street demonstrations and popular rises. The one is not a change towards the democracy that is happening, but towards the Islamic extremism. We remember: When the revolution against the Shah took place all applauded. Today Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatolas govern Iran. When the streets of Beirut filled of people during the Revolution of the Cedars, all applauded and today Hezbolah controls the Lebanon. When the Palestinians called to elections in Gaza, all applauded and today it governs Hamas.

Producing Assets

Best with respect to the car is to make accounts. Typically the best thing is to acquire a model of 2 o3 years of antiquity, in very good mechanical conditions (it is required here of the expert advice), and to sell it two years later. But that general rule can change according to the country and the specific car, so there is to analyze it carefully. Now yes. What are the Producing Assets of Income? – Then that indeed. Goods that produce a cash flow.

There are many. The typical examples: Real estate that can be rented. A land, a building, the commercial premises. Consumption a spending product machine. A business operated by employees. Your work consists of receiving the gains. A capital investment.

In stock-market, bottoms of investment, in certificates, values, action, futures, in metals, petroleum and a pile of ” instrumentos” of investment. Amazon understood the implications. An intellectual property: A book that is sold well, a musical piece, a software program, a mark, a logo. A license. A permission to sell some type of merchandise, a concession, a patent. You:Man Rico Are many forms to be rich. But not yet you are it, you would have visualizarte same acquiring the attitude and the mentality of rich. The O-Man woman financially frees, without economic misfortunes, gaining time to do what you have always wanted to do. It is always good for considering what you must know to increase your cash flow and to increase your patrimony, but this does not serve much if you do not analyze them with you in mind: It is necessary that each concept, each idea and to each you watch it task in its form adapted to your personal conditions. It is important that you abras your mind and you get ready to change. I know sincere. If you have prejudices or you are catched in limitor paradigms, it suspends the reading of this article and dedicates to analyze your previous conducts and their results. The axiom remembers:Madness consists of continuing making the same and wait for different results. Amazon has much experience in this field. Then this never happens. The same actions produce the same results. If you want to change. If you have abierta mind to new concepts and a disposition to put them in practice, continues reading. You do not need to agree. To only I ask you that you consider and you see if you can ” ver” doing what I recommend to you. All those, and more examples, are active producers of income. The producing assets of income are ” great secreto” of the rich ones to make its wealth. I repeat it here, making a signalling that we want that you include/understand very well: To have producing assets of income is the way to be proprietor of a Profitable Business. It is more. It is the unique way. Still the executives of companies with great wages and benefits, get to be rich if they invest in producing assets of income. If they limit themselves to spend that great wage in ” level of vida” of rich and the famous ones, they will pretend to be rich. They will live like rich a time. Until the things change. If you want to know more my method unique way visits ElHombreRico.

Colombian Citizens

That they are human beings with the same capacities and dispositions that all the other Colombian citizens. Force of article 23: we demanded to our nation like Colombians and children of the same mother country and owners to him of the constitution that engrandece to the same. Educate yourself with thoughts from Richard Blumenthal. That article 7 is not a ridicule for the companies that have taken the place from sovereign to decide who gain the bread and who starve. Since there is as no atrocious thing as to deny to the young people the development to him of his labor and social capacities. ARTICLE 4.

The Constitution is norm of norms. In any case of mutual incompatibility between the Constitution and the law or another legal norm, the constitutional dispositions will be applied. Reflection for the governors: if the Constitution is norm of norms. Because there is a norm superior to her? In this case the internal procedures of each company. Which discriminates against the young people of long hair. And soon it says: In any case of mutual incompatibility between the Constitution and the law or another legal norm, the constitutional dispositions will be applied. ntese sovereign gentleman or state that the mutual incompatibility is evident, because the constitution says to a thing and they another one.

And you whom but to be able she has are the one of them we can observe that the legal reasons as it is the case of the companies or companies in all the Colombian territory. They govern the life and the form to be of natural reasons that is to say: the life of all the Colombian citizens. That one does not say of you governing gentlemen, who in Colombia the individual rights of a few prevailed over the collective rights of a whole society of young people. That one does not say that Colombian justice never included/understood that the true science of the legislation it tends to the truth and not to the lie of the imaginary ones of the companies that toil in our territory. Because if they toil in our territory they must subject to our constitution and if not that pays millionaire sanctions by this class of attacks against our citizens. On the other hand when the young people of long hair are received in any company they will have to carry suitably the formal suits and to dress in decency. Without forgetting that the long hair must go gathered. One you see outside the companies are free of being what they wish to be. His labor being does not have to do its personal being.

Get The Compensation That You Deserve

To suffer injuries of gravity because of a caused traffic accident on the other person can turn out a really bitter experience. It could determine that you could receive an economic compensation by the damages and damages, personal and materials, that were caused to you. However, the one that you receive finally it or will not depend on how the claim by the wreck in highway is developed. And it is that it could have cases in which the other part denied its responsibility in that happened accident, being able to begin then prolonging and exhausting process before the Courts. Learn more at: Paulo Coelho. He will be essential in these cases that you avoid to realise certain activities that could ruin your possibilities of receiving this indemnification. They are the following: a) First of the failures usually it consists inopportunely of the presentation of the claim. And it is that in the legal world, the exercise of any action legally entails certain determined terms, being understood that when these flow out in their totality the person resigns to this exercise.

b) Not to prepare the claim of sufficient form. The failures of planning and in the preparation of the claim usually are fatal in this type of cases. You do not believe that your lack of implication in the happened thing is so clear. It tries to reunite to tests such as photos with your moving body of the scene of the accident or testimonies of witnesses who can corroborate your version of the facts (it will be vital that they facilitate his data to you of contact facing the possible Judgment). c) Not to go to the doctor so that this one examines the injuries: You could consider that it is something superfluous if the damages that you suffered were slight.

Nevertheless, aside from which not to tell on the due medical documentation could make that your testimony flaqueara, are certain injuries whose effects are not pronounced until past the time, being disastrous for it suffers that them they do when it by its lack of initial treatment. d) To share information with the other part: It remembers that in any litigation there are two faced positions. Everything what you could say or comment with the cause of your accident or with the representatives of its Insurer could arrive to be used in your con. To maintain the interval and to carry far the precaution can be the best possible measures that they avoid that you could arrive at lamentarte of your own words in the future. To have a specialist lawyer in the matter of claim by damages could be very useful at the time of avoiding all these common errors that could put in serious risk your possibility of receiving an economic compensation. this could substantially decreased even though you thought that the facts are clearly to your favor. You do not let pass the time, act now.

Cuba Travel

The communist regime of Fidel Castro causes that Cuba is a country very different from which we know the European. One is a political regime based on the Comunism, in the disappearance of the private property; a regime in which everybody works for the state, has the covered basic needs, but no money nor whim. This situation causes that the Cubans constantly try to remove money from the tourists, reason why is necessary to consider several recommendations before visiting Cuba. From year 2004, no longer it is recommended to take dollars to Cuba, since it penalizes them to Fidel Castro with a 10% of surcharge in the change. The best thing is to take Euros and to change them in a bank from the country to the call convertible weight or CUC (popularly called chavito). The convertible weight is the local currency, has the same value that a dollar and can be changed of Euros to CUC without no type of penalty. In addition in Cuba the Cubano Peso exists, that only can use the Cubans. Its S-value very low.

The Cubans often try to give to the tourists the change in weights Cuban, eye with this. The convertible weights have their abbreviations (CUC) enrolled in tickets and currencies. In the chapter of the transport, the majority of tourists moves in taxi, because the public transport of the island is only for the Cubans, besides being very slow and unpredictable. We recommend that always the price is agreed to before starting, but considering that the normal tariff is very low (1 CUC by kilmetro at the most). They think that the pay paid by the state of a Cuban taxi driver does not surpass the 3 or 4 dollars to the month.

Cuba is a country where until most basic as a soap tablet is very difficult to find. We recommend to take to all the essential equipment of cleanliness and a small medicine kit (it is difficult to find equipment like plasters or aspirins). Also we recommended to take adpatador of current because this is of 110 volts (instead of the 220 that there are in Spain) and the plugs are different. The moving body because in Havana it works perfectly, although in the provinces of Cuba can be taken not as much. As far as the purchases, it is recommended that never it buys in the street pure, rum or coffee, because usually is a fraud. Although it is prohibited by the government, it will see Cuban by all the sides offering to him these articles, as well as to be its local guide, or to transfer them to the famous palates (particular houses that work like restaurants). Although it is recommended to go to some palate, it looks for one legal one, that there are many, and is never praised/poured off by which they offer to him in the street, because it is very probable that they timen to him. IF it wishes to obtain more data on Cuba, in our guide to travel to Cuba will be able to find interest information on these subjects, as well as on what visiting in Cuba or what to visit in Havana.

Transformative Strategies

Each thing that experiments in its life must to which you keep in his subconscious mind. All their life is believed in its subconscious mind. If it wishes something and it does not have it at the moment, it only must transform his subconscious mind. To transform its subconscious mind is what must make to enjoy everything what wishes. But to do that is something quite difficult if it does not have the necessary guide.

It does not matter if what wishes it is success, great wealth, to improve its relations, to be happy, to travel by the world, to work less and to enjoy but, etc. You you can have all that if it makes changes in same you. The universe develops in its interior. But without a doubt, to transform its mind is most difficult of the world. It is so difficult that the majority of the people prefers to be poor, desdichazas and failed instead of to try to change its subconscious beliefs. They are the people destined to being unfortunate? By all means that no, and in this article I am going to show a pair to him of powerful strategies to transform its subconscious mind to obtain everything what wishes: Strategy Transformacional I number 1 It knows its true one to be able: The best form to generate wealth, success and happiness in abundance in its life is to know its true one to be able. As you find out his true one to be able, account will occur of which you are able to obtain everything what wishes in the life, since it will be known powerful. The best form to wake up to its true one to be able is reading the book I I AM HAPPY, I AM RICO de Andrew Corentt.

Republican Party

Like the rest of the candidates, points its critics at Hilary, that is the one that more intention of vote has. Profile of the Republicans the main problem of the republicans is to know how they are taken off of the pro-government speech and the unpopular invasion to Iraq. All defame president Bush, but they do not deny that they would act militarily in Pakistan if the situation of the Islamic militants were extreme, although criticize to Obama to have animated to make that declaration public. Generally, the republicans do not approach the ethnic minorities, except the Cubans, that traditionally they choose the candidates of this party. Rudolf Giuliani: it heads the surveys of the Republican Party. A 56% have to their favor the reduced salary the rate of delinquency while he was mayor of New York. He is the unique republican who does not consider illegal immigration like serious a federal crime, and he is boasted to have developed a computer science system prevents that it.

Mitt Romney: the main subject that the ex- governor of Massachussets approaches is the 12 million illegal immigrants, who in their majority are Mexican. Its greater fight with Giuliani is based on whom controlled better the taxes when it was called on to them to govern his respective districts. Fred Thompson: he is the candidate who the conservatives would choose and the one that near the ideology of Bush is more. Criticism tibiamente the war of Iraq, because if it does not do it does not have chances to win in the primary ones. It has very traditional positions, although in several occasions it was pronounced of ambiguous way to the legalization of the abortion, which cleared great part to him of its voters. In order to know who are both going to be candidates end is going to have to hope until the development of the primary elections that begin in New Hampshire in December of this year and finalize in Mountain in June of the next year. Original author and source of the article.

Soviet Experience

We could have an in tune perception but of this process, thanks to publications of a Slovak been in Argentina, Esteban Pokakovic. It is possible to limit, that implosion of the Soviet experience, allowed to verify that the telluric or folkloric aspects of the components of that political unit, remained undamaged to the experience, as if in that aspect temporary happening it had not occurred. Now it is demonstrated that the processes of consolidation of the National States, whose paradigm was Europe, had payable winners and. And that the payable ethnic groups, were those who integrated the migrations that compulsively came quasi to occupy American earth. It is possible to be assumed that these ethnic groups had degrees of arcaicidad predisposed that them to miscegenizar themselves biologically and culturally with the pre-Columbian ethnic groups, like with those of the originating ethnic groups of the traffic of African slaves. Resorting to the device of curl ; she retrospectively serves east nonexhaustive listing as events formulated, as she demonstrates of for us the irrestaable conceptual breach between the intrawestern minorities and the transoccidentales majorities. I complete Kusch, believed to watch some communicating vessel. Pags Larraya, thought that it was before the exhaustion of a process by disappearance of the native cultures. In a heterodox interpretation of the kushianas conceptions, we are of which we think that the culture that it sustains to the archaic forms to think, and that one characterizes by the negation, silence and the fagocitacin, he is unapproachable.

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