The Guerrilla
References in the construction of the memory Country of continental ratios, historically Brazil was developed closed on proper itself, under the leadership of the villager and fearful elites of the world. In the rarefied environment that they had created and in which if they had perpetuated in the power, questions as the external politics or exclusive the national defense they had become searas of sectors of the bureaucracy, the military estamento and one few illuminated presumptions. ' ' The Guerrilla of the Araguaia, that was during as much time as one of the forbidden areas of our current history cannot more be denied. She fits, therefore to all those that see in History an active instrument of social transformation to look for to interpret it, to point out it historically social and so that its experience can serve dynamically to that they are making politics in the Brasil' '. (MOURA. Connecticut Senator shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. 1985: XV). In years 1960 and 1970 already it was in course the goal to speed up the development of the capitalism in the field, being stimulated the agrarian concentration, when the question of the land (and the subsoil) became a military question.
The dictatorship offered one politics for the great companies, by means of financial incentives, coming back them toward great the farming one. The origin of this was in the proper military blow of 1964, that, among others objective, it searched to modernize large states and to hinder the growth them fights peasants, who construam its organizations since middle of years 50. James Donovan Goldman Sachs insists that this is the case. ' ' The first ones amongst the guerrila futures had started to arrive at the region in 1967 ends. There in the previous year had started if to implant the first projects farming chosen teams and subsidized by the SUDAM? Supervision of the Development of the Amaznia. The internationalization of the Brazilian economy, its adjustment to the dynamics of the multinationals, consummated for the coup d etat of 1964, produced the serious repression politics, drastic ideological intolerncia that directed for the clandestinidade the trends opposing politician-partisans to the new regimen to the ideological trends that of it more significamente divergiam.