Monthly Archive: November 2013

Public Agencies

Being the important Ouvidoria canal of contact between the public agencies and the users – either it citizen, professionals of health or regulated sector – the demands for it received – by means of denunciations, asked for of information, claim, suggestion and compliments – constitutes valuable insumo for managemental evaluations concerning the performance of the internal areas and the proper National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring (Anvisa). The question that if makes is if the Anvisa if uses of its Ouvidoria as tool of management for improvement of its processes of work. To answer to this question, the study if she considers to identify that type of information is received by the Ouvidoria, which is the areas that receive the biggest number from information order, if these information are repassed the managers, if they have the perception of that these information are insumos for the evaluation of its processes of work and if they already had effectively carried through changes pautadas in these information. Aiming at to reach this objective, it was proceeded revision from literature on the subject and had been carried through interviews half-structuralized with the involved areas and the listener. As result identified tack lack to it enters the activities played for the legally established Ouvidoria and abilities, observing a visible magnifying of executive actions, that intervene with the capacity of desired avaliativa neutrality.

For having if become the main information channel – of the most varied, since educative information until the procedural ones – the Ouvidoria has a sufficiently privileged perception of the general functioning of the Anvisa. However, the use of these information as management subsidy comes taking bigger force in the last year. Still thus, the suggestions of action for correction of possible imperfections occur in specific situations, having do not enter the areas a culture of critical analysis of the demands that arrive to them of users by means of the Ouvidoria. The field research had demonstrated that the Ouvidoria had, since its creation in 1999, a very informative bias, being much more a canal of attendance of what effectively a space of treatment of the demands of the user-citizens. From the carried through constataes some recommendations are presented so that the strategical potential of the information harvested for the Ouvidoria is spread out.

Armed Forces

But the Armed Forces had reacted and had been acclaimed by the Nation. Then, they had stimulated the love to the Native land, and the people accepted the suggestions for the order and of the democracy. But, with passing of the time, everything was being forgotten. Since some years, the anarchy acomeou to come back: Mensalo of the PT, mensalinho of the Congressor; , something recently similar in Brasilia and, now, the breaking them personal accounts of on people to the PSDB, in the Federal Prescription.

E, rare, the population is a refugee to the parade of the troops, pr’ to see the band to pass coaantando love things. They had killed, or they are killing, the Spirit of the Revolution? All revolution takes care of to an anxiety in face of ‘ ‘ propostas’ ‘ of the evolution. Generally, these ‘ ‘ propostas’ ‘ they are satisfactory, before being distorted for one strong content of aspirations, when not for an ideology based on the ambition and the incompetence. to say does not go me that Nazism was an exception. Not.

The proposals of Hitler had been so satisfactory that few years if had passed, after the foundation of its National Party Socialist of the Workers German, before it raised it to the population to commands of the Government and the Nation. They had been the ideological distortions and the incompetence of the executors had lead who them to the war and the destruction. in the mat of this History, had walked, in the same rtimo and destination, the Fascism of Italy and the Soviet Socialism. In Brazil, also, the Communism became indisciplinado and, before it arrived at the Power, it provoked a reaction armed less verwhelmed that it in of one week, without registered deaths, such was the efficiency of the strategy adopted for the Armed Forces, commanded for General Cearense Humberto de Alencar Castello Branco, in the gone ones of March of 1964.

ALA Cataloging Rules

Lubetzky, Commissioner to revise the rules of description used by the library of the Congress of the United States, and later the ALA Cataloging Rules for author and Title Entries, performed a rigorous and systematic analysis of both codes. For descriptive rules, its approach based on the necessity of establishing, before the description of a resource, what are the objectives that should serve as that description. Only in this way can establish what to include and what to leave out of a record. Your review of the ALA code, in the light of the question is this rule necessary?, consisted in a thorough analysis of each rule to set, basically, if it in fact contributed to the goals of the catalog (Svenonius, 2000). The exceptional Lubetzky task, not only in instrumental but in the formulation of the principles that should guide the cataloguing, earned him the designation as editor of a new code of cataloging.

Although this never came to be published, the schemes of Lubetzky had a great influence on subsequent developments in cataloguing codes and in the conception of the goals of the catalog. Lubetzky (2001b: 264) says the catalog cannot be a mere compilation of records that represent individual entities that must be an instrument designed in a systematic way in which records should be integrated, as component parts of the whole. The fundamental to ask question is if the catalog must be a register of materials from the library, the works they represent, or both (Lubetzky, 2001c: 200). Its draft Code lays down that the catalog must comply with the following objectives: 1. facilitate the location of a particular publication and 2. Relate and meet editions of a work and the works of an author (Lubetzky, 2001c: 200). The recognition of the book/work dichotomy and the need to pay attention to both aspects is one of the fundamental Lubetzky schemes with respect to the objectives of the catalog.

USA Military

17. Then, USA, with the approval of its Congress, organized an armed intervention, which occupied Iraq in order to destroy all kinds of weapon that violates internal and zonal peace and thus ending the dictatorial regime headed by Saddam HUSSEIN, despite the fact that UN legislation, prohibits its members to interfere in internal affairs of States, in the event that they do not present a threat to the rest of the world. 18. The occupation occurred using force and deposing the Government, but without finding evidence of the manufacture or storage of weapons of which U.S. affirmed its existence. 19.

This type of measures do boast or give rise to suspicions of economic interest in the background of actions aimed at a particular country and in the context of economic globalization, a superpower economically, as in the military, as the United States, is considered with the powers to carry out this type of action or intervene in internal issues of countries if they so deem it necessary for being in the light of globalization, the gendarme country. 20. The occupation of Iraq is very difficult to maintain due to continuous harassment by a sector of the population that does not agree with this occupation and is exposed to continuous attacks by that scourge which threat international peace and that no country is exempt so-called terrorism. Do 21 take account of civilian casualties in Iraq: civilian Iraqi CASUALTIES? S minimum maximum 63.310 69.355 22. We also must remember that military spending that demands the United States keep its troops on the territory of Iraq housed him increasingly to make constant adjustments in Government for the economic part, without ruling out that American military contingent is already worn down by the constant pressure of the Iraqi people, and demoralized by the own human casualties caused, as the following table expresses it: CASUALTIES of soldiers of USA and partners USA GB other TOTAL 3,381 148 125 23 3,654. Personal opinion: the U.S. does what pleases him anywhere in the world, regardless of their treaties themselves made before various international bodies, where we always makes its own interests prevail.

24 Is the military power, is the mediator and arbiter of all events in the world, even more so when it comes to face economic or military. 25. Then of more than three years of intervention, assessment of human losses and material from both sides (or failure of USA), Congress decided to vote for the withdrawal of troops.

United Nations Security Council

If the water is vital to health and housing, much higher quality is much better. For this reason, you want to help with a series of filter systems for debugging by full chlorine, lime, sediments, bacteria and toxic particles into the public mains supply. In this way, you can have an excellent water quality in your home. How protect your facilities and appliances for the plumbers, lime and sediments are silent but implacable enemies. Over time accumulate in pipes, coils or parts of appliances such as washing machine, and they can destroy them completely. Lime in the water circuit is especially harmful in areas of hard water. But it is also easy to completely eliminate these problems by installing the appropriate filters. Tea cobntamos the characteristics of some few: filter anti-sedimentos.

Removes airborne particles that are detrimental to the pipes. Installed at the entrance of the House connection. Water softener. Deletes 99% lime. It is advisable to install a filter antisedimento before to ensure their proper functioning. Installed at the entrance of water. Antifouling filters. They protect all the deposition of lime House appliances.

Connects between the tap and tube of each appliance. Combined double filter. It removes airborne particles and prevents scale. Installed between the tap and tube feeding of each appliance. Water treatment plant. Complete system with UV treatment. Destroys the bacteria in water for drinking and protects facilities to eliminate scale and lime. how to improve the quality of the tap water? If you take care of your food and your health, you will understand the importance of consuming water in the best possible conditions. The different filtration systems treated drinking water supplied through the public network to achieve higher quality water. These systems of reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration, filter tap, filter pitchers, etc. are easy to install and maintain even more than. This is an good employment of plumbers. In an essay of a few years ago, lucid and prematurely deceased historian Tony Judt pondered some aspects of United States foreign policy in the early 1970s. They were, you must remember, years in which the foreign policy was (rather than never neither before nor after) in the opaque hands of two men: President Richard Nixon and his Secretary of State Henry Kissinger (national security adviser above). From the secret extension offer work for plumbers (at the back of the Congress) of the war to Cambodia in 1970, until the 1973 Paris agreements, for supposedly agree a way out of the Viet Nam war, passing through the international recognition of Mao’s China (permanent) member of the United Nations Security Council, and ending with the debacle (not defeat(: debacle) of United States in Southeast Asia.


Ernesto Cardenal, the Nicaraguan Bishop, which by the 1970s endeavored, in full sandinista revolution, Marxism is science and religion is faith, both are not mutually exclusive, they are complementary, it was not understood vastly, by the student of that time movement, dazzled by Marxism and its noble objectives, however played an important point and force, as history of this relationship between science and faithhas been winding between conflict and dialogue that has the paradigma, the Galileo case, studied, reviewed, and passed today, science is a conquest of the name, is a conquest of humanity through history, science is not atheist by nature, or antagonist of faith universities, insofar as they are the Centre of Sciences, are night clubswhere knowledge is created when he investigates, where knowledge is transmitted when he teaches and transforms when it is projected to the society. These concepts, perhaps allow understand evolution and the relationship of the University movement with the Church, in the 1970s, the ordinary was to take the churches, as a way to call the atencion, maybe some remember, the shots of the Church San Agustin and the very same Cathedral in 1972, both ended in a brutal massacre of students within the same sacred enclosures, as was the case at the national level; the relation of universities with the Church was weak with the passage of the years was becoming frequent. See Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos, haciendo mass College yard, impartiendo communion massively at estudiantes and looking for help to a law student who had to be treated in Spain, was becoming evident the income of students to the different Apostolic movements of the Church, among many other facts, until these last days .where both parties in conflict of the UNT, where there are still obvious Socialist sympathies in some of them, request the mediation of the Church to put an end to a conflict that tiredness, pumps, or wounded, nor the congressmen, could resolve. This fact, good, happy, profitable for the University community and society itself, maximizing it, perhaps, reminds us that science and faith are complementary, regardless of the ideological pluralismo has to recognize that the role played by faith, humbly accompanying the man in search of the verdad and justice; the College estates must know which can be rebellious, can be revolutionary, being Christian, because for more than 2000 years Jesus raised the goal revolutionary form a new man, a new community, a new society, transforming the man, without violent midwives, without bloodshed, without Attila, without Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin without without. 21St century he knows that science, consciousness and belief are complementary and not mutually exclusive within the civilized development of the society.

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