Senate Public
When being raised blue carpets of the Senate, what we are attending is a so great amount of impostures that would make even though to ruborizar those people destitute of any escrpulo. But it is not as soon as I feel myself. When seeing the sequence of scandals to be brought to tona, I notice that the last basties of morality and the ethics fall for land practically all that I still believed to exist in the way politician. She was clearly for me that those principles that would have to conduct the public personalities, as of the legality, the non-availability of the public goods, supremacy of the collective interest, all they only exist formal to deceive incauta population, since materially, they had been verwhelmed by the particular interest of each one of these citizens, if that still we can call them thus. > I who always me arvorei to try to show to the young of my community that had a more luminous way to be covered, I feel to ruir under my feet all my argumentativa structure, since many of the people that I cited I eat example of norteador lighthouse for our lives, am involved or, at least, these ominous events had forborn ahead of all. As I always proclaimed that optimum advice is the example, now I ask myself, as already I made in other occasions: what it is that I go to say for these young? What it is that I go to say ahead for my grandsons of as much moral ruin? Jorge Andres Irion Jobim. Lawyer of Saint Maria,.