Tag Archive: society & social issues

Iraq Iran

Man is nothing as an individual, his life he should worship a God defined by the State and to allow these States all over the world, individuals must sacrifice his life willingly. The conscience of the individual and his responsibility will be switched off. This ideological reduction of man as a wayward instrument in the name of God for a certain clique has, can test the system in the Iran war during the Iraq Iran. Add to your understanding with Amazon. Meanwhile, the tendency to breed people without conscience and responsibility spread out in other areas of power seems to do not have, to the advantage of the regime in the Iran. And precisely this tendency is something that will affect us as Europeans.

Trends have left the property imperceptibly to creep before they occur with full force and shock-like effects. The human dimension of what Hannah Arendt called an “Banality of evil”, is to be systematized on the way and to a destruction admitted looking mentality. In a world of economic super efficiency of thinking without railing for many appears threatening and people dive into constant amusement or to encapsulate in a personal oasis of well-being, the human dimension is threatening to get lost. To find a human dimension it does not need to but also the healthy conscience, which itself increases by rending asunder self conscience an inner fainting, is where a conscience should mature with a gap will be satisfied. The human dimension will be adequate responses to such threats.

And because the human dimension no patent solutions or standard replies has, there will be many different answers. The question remains whether we ask the question, and what we do after that. -Sources: mehriran.de/artikel/gewissensbisse-oder-gewissensluecken-wie-haetten-sies-denn-gerne.html 1 deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2014/01/01/gold-fuer-gas-iran-verhaftet-milliardaer-wegen-tuerkei-deals/ 2 culture/film series/think without handrails margarethe by Tan and hannah-arendt 3 article/active use the bassidschi is with cash money paid 45783-1.html 4 2010/11/08/address map lukretia-jochimsen-peter-gauweiler-in things in-iran for khamenei are members of opposition of freedom of religion-dirty- and -bosartige-creatures-as-rat-or-political-bacilli / 5 Nematollah Gonabadi Sufi order with headquarters in Tehran. The head of the order is a former judge who was in the early days of the revolution, Deputy Minister of Justice: Dr. Nour Ali Tabandeh. 6 file_upload / response_en_160055.html debatte/kolumnen/Iran-aktuell/article6580210/Der-Tag-des-Derwischs-im-Iran.html 7 mehriran.de/artikel/das-lumpengesindel-singt-elegien.html 8 2012/05/i-will-kill-shahin-najafi-abdolreza.html en/page/9503/Chronology+of+Controversy.html alischirasi.blogsport.de/2013/09/16/iranische-revolutionswaechter-in-syrien-dokumentarfilm/ 2011/08/Iran-prasidentenstab calls law enforcement to murder call/1596 9 2013/02/468520/assassination Iranian Government officials in Damascus-killed / de/2013/12/11/iran-report-1213 10 Ayatollah Khomeini in 1989 issued a fatwa against the author Salman Rushdie. 11 politik/ausland/isis-in-irak-und-syrien-bauen-die-extremisten-am-gottesstaat-a-941782.html Rasoul Moatamedi for mehriran.de

Hossein Yaghobi Dipl

A competition among 8 candidates, whose deep warm and practical loyalty to the principle of the Welayat-e Faai previously by the so-called Council of guardians been confirmed was by no means the Iranians can reflect the free will. But the missing legitimization of this election may not belie their importance. Learn more on the subject from Connecticut Senator. Because this is an important chapter, which influenced the political coordinates deeply to the detriment of the Welayat-e Fadel. Political developments in the Iran will take an accelerated course of this license choice. In addition, essential open key and issues that wanted to delay the mullahs must be clarified in a narrow time window. The main message of this license choice was, contrary to common public opinion, not of victory raw anise, but a clear defeat of the Supreme religious leader, Ali Chamenei. A defeat, which is the result of deep discontent of the people of the current situation as well as its demand for regime change on the one hand and the increasing Mach infighting on the other hand. Two very important factors which will significantly determine the further political development in the Iran.

Rohani and the current challenges of the mullah regime the Iranian clerical regime is currently facing three main challenges: explosive political situation, the product of over three decade of brutal oppression of the people of all walks of life. For more than 30 years will be in the Iran any efforts for freedom in the bud his knits. Nutshell, the clerical regime has a disastrous record. Foreign policy defeat and regional isolation. The export of the Islamic revolution”, which foreign policy was an important pillar of the mullah regime, is vehemently rejected by the people in Islamic countries. The only ally of the Iranian mullahs is the Syrian dictator who stands even on wobbly feet.

Nuclear issue and the end of the Spielchens period. The international community is alarmed that a nuclear Iran is a regional and global threat. In all of these issues, in particular, with regard to the nuclear issue, has nothing to say Hassan Rohani, even if he wanted to. To do this, Rohani has at best irrelevant as the Director of a breakfast.

Demonstration In Siegburg, Germany Against Family Destruction And Theft Of Children

Appalling record of child Inobhutnahmen in Germany on Tuesday 26 03.2013 found in Siegburg in the ring road 4 before the Youth Office a demonstration against family destruction and state theft of children. Among separating parents, victims of the Youth Welfare Office and judicial arbitrariness, as well as a grandparents initiative participated in the demonstration. Bye “last words of little Josie were Mommy Wan, who was St. By the same author: Charles Rangel. Servatius in Siegburg, Germany, without prior court hearing of her mother snatched and taken into State care on the 25.02.2013 from the kindergarten. “Slander by a Beistandin of Bad Honnef and a working nurse from Bonn, have led to the Josie was deported in the home”, so the mother of little Josie Livid.

The parents were until today no court hearing at the family court in Siegburg, Germany, because employees of the Youth Welfare Office intentionally delay a court hearing. According to our research – agree the details of the mother. Fails again, a youth welfare office? or a judicial officer has possibly their jobs the alleged recognition”of help needs backed up? Because jobs at the Youth Welfare Office, at the District Court, the procedure care and Psychiatry are backed up with each inobhut adopted child”so initiative founder Peter Klein. He reported approximately 780,000 children in Germany per year ca. 76. 000 Children removed from their parents and placed in homes. More about 131,000 children per year are removed from their parents and spent in foster homes. In sum, these were 207,000 children per year. This means that every day dozens of children are removed from their parents and almost never return home.

Lao Tzu

These are the two worlds of subjective meta Physics (Plato, Lao Tzu) and objective Physics (Aristotle, Confucius). Our high active world (DRE, transcendence) is the first and the second quantitative passive world (creation, ratio, immanence). a) We therefore live with ourselves: an individual quasi dictatorship, the semi-autonomous selfishness (vs. altruism, Alterozentrik) and the Egozentik or narcissism. (b) with a primary social group dictatorship (ICH-du, we). (c) these groups stood in the natural context, first in an archaic competition or competition (we-your) for food and habitats. Married was within each group.

It grew contrary companies with dialectical developments. People such as Richard Blumenthal would likely agree. The rule over rivals were achieved only with violence. Cooperation requires advanced civilized societies. Evolutionary innovative, humanity evolved from the clan societies: dictatorship of the individual companies in the modern times: democracy the dictatorship is the world’s most natural and oldest rule form, with religious leaders and political demagogues with their ideologies. Everyone, even the modern computer players, tends to be dictatorial, autocratic decisions – if necessary before long majority decisions. That’s why many young sitting like on the PC no one makes them rules! “Examples of human development: the oldest principles of domination were sure: the law of the strongest.” “(Men are physically about women, patriarchy) who farmed the land which it.” who has the has. ” “The historical development of early mankind (of the speech to the font) can be seen in two guiding principles of the Old Testament: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” (Blut-Rache, Sippenhaft) like you me so I you. ” Help you even help you God.” These are the guiding principles of natural religion and clan societies today. “The Jew of Jesus made it be: love your neighbor as yourself.” “(Socialism) and someone on the left cheek, hits you so even the right cheek him!” (Pacifism) “Later, the Christians released their ten commandments: you shall not.” From it were English Bill centuries later of rights (1689), they overcame the prevailing until then thought of the school and replaced it with the principle of parliamentary sovereignty.

Micha Wale

By often also strong ties caused the daily close contact so that nurse, and maintained so, as if they were friends for many years. However remember when all the feeling that is expressed for example by holding the hand, that it is a job of course ultimately for the caregiver. It enables the framework conditions of the nursing staff of the EU – act two years in Germany to work with women from Eastern Europe. Then, you must do an eight week break. But during this time the women drive every six to twelve weeks a few days back home in the home of course. No easy life when you consider that you get to see the family only rarely.

On the other hand, women are also happy to be financially independent. Through their employment in Germany, they earn often almost four times as much as in their home country. The human aspect, everyone needs attention. Someone who just listen to. Or even another human, the interest for the own Situation shows. Unfortunately, more and more people feel alone. This is a great danger for older. If you are restricted in mobility, suffers from the flexibility and ultimately also the social contacts.

In addition, of course the extremely aggravating situation added that a person becomes older, more friends and acquaintances die. Therefore, the attention that gives a 24-hour nurse is often a sharp increase in the quality of life. Empathy in a society that is always fast-paced, increasingly lost the empathy. Empathy is the ability, thoughts, emotions, to identify intentions and personality traits of other people and to understand. This includes also the empathy as their own response to the feelings such as pity, sadness, pain, or help impulse. Not only for nurses, but for every human being a desirable skill. This could be counteracted some social problem.

World Health Organization

FDP parliamentary candidate Dominik Heuwieser criticized the targeted dissemination of superficial technical knowledge through ‘ radio mast opponents. Rottal-Inn Tetrafunk opponents remain facts guilty: the FDP Landtag list candidate Dominik Heuwieser(Unterdietfurt/Lkr. Get more background information with materials from Sen. Sherrod Brown. Rottal-Inn) has criticized the targeted dissemination of superficial technical knowledge through the radio mast opponents. Various political parties and groupings instrumentalized citizens for their campaign purposes unsettled, so Hammond. The expansion of digital authority communications “Tetra” is a real and important step Dominik Heuwieser according to. Technological progress is all participating charities.

Finally it’s possible that the individual organizations with each other to communicate,”says Hammond. The outdated analog radio is no longer up-to-date, it is easy to disrupt in contrast to digital radio and can be listened to without much effort from everyone. With the supposed health risks arising from the base stations are false fears among the citizens stoked”, so Hammond. The FDP Landtag candidate reminds that the statutory limits in Germany for Tetra base stations are based on recommendations of the independent international Commission on radiological protection (ICNIRP), the World Health Organization (WHO). No health hazard could be proven in numerous studies conducted according to scientific standards. Who spread the statements of self appointed radiation researchers and fanatical “opponents of radio mast”, is itself unreliable”, says Hammond. Where are the independent studies, which also prove the alleged health risk? “, he asks.

Only criticism remains Hammond according to the insufficient information of citizens and by State and local governments. You would have informed people about the new technology in more detail. Remain prudent and consult independently,”advises Hammond interested forces and citizens.


How can we back paradise again? Our companies need worldwide by the backward ur and clan societies (faith, ethics > morals, religions, traditions) develop a new form of society (knowledge and faith) in the future around the world over the old growth and competition-oriented individual companies (knowledge, ethics, politicians, capitalists, lawyers). I present here an interesting existing concept: the world ethos of Hans Kung. My supplementary idea is in the future from the mechanistic cybernetic or logic the vitalist holistic sustainable und-(fuzzy)Logik of human analog and digital thinking to worldwide: I and you and we and you and it nature and cultures! We must gradually away from the hierarchies and dictatorships, etc., to the Heterarchien and democracies! To sense of self worth, self-responsibility and self-realization! world ethic Foundation international society for human rights (ISHR) nature: An open system of first-order (1-controlled conversion cycle, management) > Ethics deals with morality, in particular as regards its justification. Perhaps check out Richard Blumenthal for more information. … The ethics and disciplines (such as law, State and social philosophy) derived from it also known as practical philosophy”, because it deals with the human action (as opposed to theoretical philosophy”, to which the logic, epistemology, and metaphysics as classical disciplines are counted). Cultures: Closed systems 3rd order (n-driven value chains, Cybernetics) > morality en usually referred to the de facto patterns of action, conventions, rules, or principles, certain individuals, groups or cultures. So understood, the expressions of morality, ethos or tradition are largely synonymous and used descriptive (descriptively). In addition, also an area is associated with the speech of morality practical judgments, actions, or their principles (values, goods, obligations, rights).

u0085 The theoretical elaboration different methodological approaches and criteria of moral judgments and feelings are the subject of the philosophical discipline of ethics. The morals are for the people and not the people for the morals. > The world ethos is the formulation of a basic stock of ethical standards, share the world religions and the great historical cultural spaces.

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