Monthly Archive: December 2018

Fujimori Fujimori

If it is true says what the newspaper Peru 21 today 25 day of February of the year in course on the Mr Carlos Augusto Salazar Executive Agency President Supervisor of the engagements of the State (OSCE)-; an azangarazo at a high falsificativo level would be manifesting. Because we would be talking about forgeries of titles in masters and doctoral degrees. If this true, same morning’m running Azangaro to request my title of sociologist. Toledo of populist qualifies the measure the Government took to reduce the General tax sales 19% to 18%. But as he says of the Castle, this was a proposal also legislators of accion Popular, current political partners of Toledo. And it won’t be that Toledo is concerned that these more than 1 billion Suns will no longer go to the State coffers? It is a palatable figure for any head of State.

Now it turns out that teachers no longer want to join the public teaching career, because they would be hoping that Toledo is President for that duplicate them salary without any effort on your part. This is an irresponsible promise on the part of the candidate of the chacana. But what they don’t know is that in an eventual triumph of this man, no one knows if truly held blessed vociferado increase. PPK said they have treated him, and says that it is why you are going on your own. Ohio Senator has compatible beliefs. Forgiveness? It wasn’t that he was representing an Alliance? Or is it that it has paid a billeton all the head of party that disque represents? Is it not? When we enter our TVs and watch political programmes, we do not know everything that is behind them, because it shows only the superficial subject. The daily express today, on page 9, tells us a biography is impressive for one of these programs. And in particular, let me a pending task: find and investigate online, all the names that appear in it. In one of its paragraphs reads as follows: in the case of Rosa Maria Palacios (an official of the Government of Alberto Fujimori during the premiership of Alfonso Bustamante, Member of the team of Government Plan of the Fujimori candidate for Mayor of Lima Juan Carlos Hurtado Miller and daughter-in-law of former Minister of education and former Ambassador Fujimori Alberto rods Montenegro) who, through the dam free television program and against his usual style, tried with gloves of silk to Rospigliosi to complaints of his reprehensible attitude.

But many more murky issues of our policy are mentioned on this page that is worthy of collection. By which I recommend reading. When we see the ads in various media, we see all kinds of these; from soaps to political propaganda. The sense of commercial advertising, is hinting us to consume this or that product. But I want to do me the following question: does the malice and Venom, are recommended products for human consumption? Advertising companies, that manufacture these television monsters, have knowledge of this? I say this because the advertising is appearing in the program of Magaly Medina, where is offered: more evil, more poison or, is that advertising companies, know that like Peruvians consume malice and Venom?


Ancient Greek philosopher Parmenides (C. 515 – C 440 A. C) approx. Second half of the sixth century – the beginning of V century. A. Ohio Senator might disagree with that approach. N. E. of Elea (Southern Italy) leading figure of the Eleatic school.

Parmenides was represented at the world, the appearance of an area still and completely filled. Bluntly contrasted the “theory of truth” (that being the true, is one, eternal, immovable, indivisible, and does not contain Vasio) to the doctrine of the opinion (of which there are a multitude of things come and go, move, are divisible into parts, and are separated by a vacuum). The doctrine of truth is accurate, “the doctrine of opinion is only probable. Parmenides consciously oriented doctrine of truth against the dialectics of Heraclitus and his disciples. The doctrine of view, Parmenides expounded his hypothesis astronomical, physical, physiological. materialist naive physics Parmenides is based on the assumption that there are two principles, the assets of fire and light, dark and lifeless. The distrust on the testimony of the senses, the high valuation of speculative knowledge.

Introduced the doctrine of Parmenides an element of idealism and even rationalism. While the denial of the motion Parmenides makes the founder of the ancient Greek metaphysics. Young, when Parmenides represents the world as a sphere filled with still and does so for two reasons. First: for the former belief that the earth remained stationary, due to this phenomenon the planets and the sun revolved around it. Second: that the universe was finite to the Greeks.

Legal Research

Inevitability of social Progress is determined by the inevitability of victory (in the end, regardless of the possible partial lesions) revolutionary propaganda by the fact that it mainly reflects the truth: the fact of exploitation, its mechanisms of opportunity to build relations of production, excluding the existing forms of exploitation, etc. A counter-revolutionary propaganda mainly reflects misconceptions about the reality: there is no exploitation, that further democratization leads to chaos, idealizes the existing relations of production, etc. Therefore, even just the general development of the social consciousness of the exploited and the natural (unfocused) forms of dissemination of the information revolution, ultimately, will inevitably lead them to realize the truth. Although sometimes with a very talented counter-revolutionary propaganda revolutionary consciousness of the public may experience in its development regressive moments, but endlessly fool the people is impossible. The inevitability of the progressive development of social revolutionary consciousness in particular defined by the inevitable progressive development of social consciousness as a whole. That is as inevitable development (discovery and dissemination) of knowledge of reality as a whole, just as inevitable development (discovery and dissemination) of knowledge about how to destruction of existing forms of exploitation in the society in particular. The driving force of social progress is people's need for social justice, and this need, just like everyone else, can be satisfied only with full awareness of the ways and means to satisfy it by the will of the people who have this need.

And regardless of their will and consciousness, there is no power that can determine are designed to meet this needs work, as an individual, and their various associations. With regard to the formula of social progress Marx: developing the productive forces of society, develop the relations of production, dump them and generate new ones – then it is true, but only to the amendment of Lenin: "the main productive force of all mankind is man, the worker" (1). The main point of mankind's productive forces is the development of public awareness towards the realization that based on this form of ownership relations of production in its development had reached the limit. Looking for a new industrial relations. We need a new form of ownership. Literature 1.V.I.Lenin Complete Works, T.38, s.359 2.A.I.Pershits, al Mongayt, vp Alekseev.

Prehistory. M: High School, 1982. P.175. 3.Tam also p.100. 4.Tam as S.183. 5.K.Marks, Engels Collected Works. T.23. S.189. 6. ga The dialectics of the evolution of wildlife. The essence of the dialectical contradictions; 7. ga Birth of the legal and public authorities. "Joint scientific journal 13, 2006, "Foundation for Legal Research 8. ga Physiology of thinking. "Joint scientific journal 21, 2006, "Foundation for Legal Research;

Fair Value Accounts As A Win-win Model

State clears way for fair value accounts Lingen (EMS)-working time accounts are now in many companies an important instrument of the flexible organisation of working time. Early retirement, partial retirement, or even paid time off – all this is possible with time value accounts. The companies are bagging not only image enhancement, but also tangible liquidity advantages. Time value and working life accounts can help workers and companies to establish a win-win situation. Says Harald Roder, Managing Director of the German consulting company for fair value accounts and working life models.

According to a recent study, 84% of German workers would go like earlier than with 67 years in retirement. That so far only one fifth of them a fair value account has, illustrates the enormous need for action. Since 1998 with the law on the social protection of more flexible working time arrangements (Note: the so-called Flexi-Act) established ability to accumulate hours worked in a special value credit and at a later date to use for the short, medium or even long-term exemption from work, has proven itself. Since the experts agree, like for example-Heinz-Jurgen Zink, Managing Director of business consulting of foresight in Lingen (EMS). He says that fair value accounts are an essential tool that can replace the working time regulation expiring in the year 2009.

With their help the employer may make in the future – retirement and old age part-time. Fully equipped working time accounts serve company as a successful instrument of motivation for its employees. What’s behind the flexi-Act? In many sectors of the economy, a retirement age of 67 is unwelcome and hardly realistic. With the adoption of the flexi-II Act, the Federal Government has responded to the trend towards fair value accounts and repaired main points as of January 1, 2009. Account management from January 2009 fair value accounts can be made only in money.

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