Monthly Archive: March 2012

Costa Rica

The comparative study of American languages has advanced considerably in recent years to shed light on the affinity of one nation with one another and of course had to follow the migrations of peoples. The Chibcha language similarities have been attributed to the Japanese, Mayan, Quechua Quiche, but nothing satisfies what has been written about it. The eminent linguist Daniel Brinton argues that Japanese words are not found in the native languages of America. Just read the ten pages devoted to Leon Douay etymology of the Chibcha voices to be convinced that has nothing to do with Maya. The etymologies of some words chibchas Quiche proposed Dr. Barberena not resist the slightest analysis. As for the Quechua, Chibcha up differs from the letters of their alphabets: the first of these languages have consonants ll, n r missing the last, while in it are the letters b, f and g, lacking the Quichua. Recent linguistic work of Dr.

Max Uhle in a patent reveals the affinity of the dialects of Costa Rica and northwestern part of the Isthmus of Panama with the Chibcha, and allow us to follow the path that went round the town known by this last name. This issue deserves to be treated at some length, and for making clear the facts is necessary to refute some allegations Brinton, who in our view erred by data deficiency. Says the author: "Most of those who have written about the Chibcha have spoken of them as a most civilized nation, which was situated in the middle of barbarian hordes and no affinity with any of them.

Blame Terms Despite Study

2. If used data mining techniques are not widely available, it should describe them and give the necessary references. 3. Secondary analysis of subgroups is acceptable, but must be specified in the report of the study, concealment of this fact is unacceptable. 4. In the section of the report devoted to discussion of the results, should indicate the possible systematic errors and the measures taken to address them at the planning stage of the study and interpretation of results. 3. Blame Terms Despite continuing disagreements the question of authorship and collaboration in research and publications, it is generally accepted that the author should take responsibility for the data obtained on at least one of the stages of research.

Practical steps 1. In the first place list of authors should be persons who have made a decisive contribution to the planning, organizing and conducting research, data analysis and report writing, rather than fulfill a, collect data, and other mechanical work. If you can not prove a person involved in any phase of the study, the fact of authorship can not be considered proven. 2. To avoid any misunderstanding on this issue, it is useful at the beginning of the study agree on which one of the researchers will be included in the lists of authors and performers, and who will simply expressed appreciation. 3. All authors must take responsibility for the content of the publication. This condition may be difficult if the study involved specialists in various fields, in such publications should indicate the individual contribution of each author.

Rekurvanta Nana

Thuja Western Europe Gold (Thuja occidentalis Europe Gold) Europe Gold Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis Europe Gold) – softwoods; Height: 3-4 feet Width: 1-2 meters; structure: slow growing, cone-shaped, densely branched; Leaves: needles , scale-like, constantly bright golden-yellow; Flowers: inconspicuous and the fruit: as Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis); Conditions: as for Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis); used: as a tapeworm in gardens and parks, ca.: effectively on a dark background. Thuja occidentalis Rekurvanta Nana (Thuja occidentalis Recurvanta Nana) Thuja occidentalis Rekurvanta Nana (Thuja occidentalis Recurvanta Nana) – softwoods; Height: up to 2 meters, width: up to 2 meters Structure: A slow growing, globular, thick, slightly curled tops of the shoots; Leaves: needles, scale-like, , dull green, winter brownish-green; Flowers: inconspicuous and the fruit: no fruit; Conditions: as for Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis); used: as a tapeworm in the moorland, rock, ridges, tubs, have zahoroneniy.Prim.: frost. Thuja occidentalis Rheingold (Thuja occidentalis Reingold) – softwoods; Height: 2-4 feet Width: 1,5-3 m; structure: growing slowly, spherical, dense, and later tapered; Leaves: The needles are only in old age scale-like, thin, small, yellow to orange-yellow, bronze in winter; Flowers: inconspicuous and the fruit: no fruit; Conditions: as for Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis); used: as a tapeworm in the rock garden, moorland, tubs, gardens near the house, ca.: expressive contrast with the dark rocks sensitive to the sun in dry or in winter in cold areas. Thuja occidentalis Smaragd (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd) Thuja occidentalis Smaragd (Thuja occidentalis Smaragd) – softwoods; Height: 4-6 feet Width: 1,2-1,8 m; Structure: A slow growing, narrowly conical, dense, uniformly branched; Leaves: needles, scale-like, always-fresh glossy green; Flowers: inconspicuous and the fruit: as Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis), but rare; Conditions: as for Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis); used: as Thuja occidentalis (Thuja occidentalis); Note.: tolerate pruning, year-round fresh-green needles.

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