Innovation Award for technology management 2010 finite resources, climate change, demographics and rising prosperity are meta, bringing complex changes for our future life and work with them. Due to its interdisciplinary lineup, the Fraunhofer IAO has the skills and experience to meet these developments with holistic solutions. The Fraunhofer IAO awarded the innovation award for technology management every two years the best research from our own ranks. In the foreground stand in the aspects, customer benefits, creativity, practicality in the industry as well as the methodological and scientific approach. Most the jury convinced the vision of a hotel room in the year 2020, the project manager Vanessa Borkmann and Nikolay Dreharov in the scenario project FutureHotel developed. Future-oriented technological trends and design aspects were implemented prototypically in the showcase FutureHotel and supplemented by theoretical studies.
The hotel room of the future in the inHaus2 in Duisburg is a demonstration and research platform for new technologies to test system solutions and products that allows it, new space and technology concepts. Head of the Institute Prof. Dieter Spath said in his eulogy, that it the project team with FutureHotel managed is a competent partner for the industry to make the Fraunhofer IAO hotels and tourism, and in causing, global resonance in the public and the media. A shining example, how to make a theme practically zero pulls up and scientifically sound, bringing the application won the second place: Matthias Bues, Achim Pross and Oliver Stefani have with the LED based lighting system Heliosity consistently exploit the potential of LED technology. A leading source for info: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs. In combination, scientists have realized with separate control of spectral channels different lighting situations: the HeliositySky is a large luminous ceiling, which can be controlled like a display, and allows 34 m 2 To simulate light situations such as a dynamic sky. Complementary to the work lamp was HeliosityOffice .HeliosityTherapy, a sleep and wake-up light, finally is the result of collaboration with Chronobiologists of Center for environmental therapy (CET).