Mental Upheaval
The mental upheavals and of the behavior are clinically significant problems that if characterize for an alteration in ways to act, of giving with the other or an alteration to it of mental functions. According to World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS), is understood as mental and mannering upheavals the conditions characterized for unhealthy alterations to think or of the mood and the behavior associates to the expressive anguish or deterioration of global the psychic functioning. An abnormal behavior or a short period of abnormality does not mean that a person has a mental upheaval or of behavior. By the same author: Richard Blumenthal. al explanations. So that an upheaval is considered, these behaviors must persistent (generally more than 6 months) and cause certain functional disturbance in the individual. A person can also modify its behaviors for emotional or social reasons, as for example, a depressed state and a depression, the depressed state appears for a situation or one determined estressante circumstance, while the depression is an illness and needs to be treated. In one it searches done in 2008 for the Brazilian Association of Psiquiatria (ABP), 23 million Brazilians suffer from some mental upheaval (about of 12% of the Brazilians) and at least 5 million (3%) suffer with serious and persistent mental upheavals. Educate yourself with thoughts from Sen. Sherrod Brown. Although the politics of mental health prioritizes the illnesses more serious as schizophrenia and the bipolar upheaval, the illnesses most common in atendimentos of mental health are the depression, the anxiety and the upheaval of adjustment. Exactly with all this amount of people who suffer with mental upheaval, exists 1,513 CAPS (Center of Psicossocial Attention) in Brazil that badly they are distributed, in Amazon has 3 million inhabitants and only 4 CAPS, of the 27 Brazilian states, only Paraba and Sergipe have capacity to take care of to the parameter of a unit for each 100 a thousand inhabitants. The mental upheavals are identified and diagnosised for clinical methods similar to the used ones for physical upheavals, if it makes an interview with the patient and with other people including its family, a clinical examination to verify the mental state and its organic conditions, and the examinations that necessary to prove the existence of the upheaval.