Monthly Archive: October 2016

The Month

And the main principle of this science – it is your desire and discipline. I confident that the majority does not make list for the day, a week and not to mention the month and year. But if you want to succeed, to find time for the realization of their desires, you will have to change their habits and learn to keep all under control. And the first thing you should do is, as in the previous article on setting goals, sit down and work his head – to understand themselves and to prioritize. Answer yourself the following questions: Who am I today? Where am I today? Were you satisfied with me something that I spend my time? Where are my current actions? And when you realize what your life is wasted – can be scary. Someone does not want more to think about it and try to throw out all it's out of my head, but if you really decided to change, then ask yourself: What is it that I have today – is valuable for me? On what I now spend my time? Do I want to continue to live this way. Do I really want all this? How would I like to be? What prevents me, what would this be? What do I lack? What should I change it? What skills should I acquire? And then you can keep asking and asking myself questions, a lot of them. .

Dialectical Systems

UDC 001. (19 + 35) SUMMARY "The condition of knowledge of all processes of the world in their" self-movement "in their spontaneynom development in their real life is the knowledge of them as a unity of opposites. The development of a "struggle" of opposites. Hear other arguments on the topic with James Donovan Goldman. " After these Lenin's words in understanding the essence of dialectics in the last century have been made to a single useful word. The essence of dialectics is that development, the movement of all processes of the world by the development dialectical systems – a term that was introduced by us and by which we mean a pair of opposites, "fight" that comes when one of opposites is more or less than its antipode. "The struggle" has always aimed at balancing the dialectical system, the equality of its constituent opposites. The deviation from equality of opposites governs the intensity of 'struggle', determines the rate at which due process of nature. Dialectical system condition for the knowledge of all processes of the world in their "self-movement" in their spontaneynom development in their real life is the knowledge of them as a unity of opposites.

Development is 'Struggle' of opposites. Lenin (1) Lessons in the epigraph Lenin's words were the last words of the century, which to some extent clarified the essence of dialectics. After these words, on this day in this issue has not made any single useful word. The reason for this sad state of affairs is the fact that in the understanding of the dialectic is missing a very important element, similar to the central cog of scissors, without which this valuable instrument becomes a trifle, which, in essence, is what happened with the dialectic.

Barcelona Congress

3Rd National Congress of waterproofing held in Barcelona has concluded with the participation of 190 professionals and positive assessment by the Organization, the National Association of waterproofing ANI. According to the Manager of this entity Isidro Sans, we consider that there has been a good response, taking into account the current economic situation. In this context particularly value the efforts made by institutions, companies and professionals to engage in this 3rd Congress.With its third edition this Congress is consolidated as event of reference for the sector, to obtain and exchange information and knowledge with leading authorities, researchers, professionals and companies related to the world of the waterproofing. According to Isidro Sans, in the current situation this appointment becomes strategic forum to reflect on lines of action, resources and possible solutions. Among the speakers at the Conference have been several of the most important companies of the sector, representatives of ANI and their groupings, the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as entities such as AENOR, the Department of the environment, water, urban planning and housing of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Council General of schools of agricultural engineers of Spain and the Spanish Committee of large dams (SPANCOLD).Also had a prominent presence Central Laboratory of structures and materials (CEDEX) as well as the Ministry of the environment, rural and marine, as direct contributors to the Spanish Association of waterproofing in the Organization of the Congress. The project goals among the high-grade scientific and technical content. According to this San Isidro was the obsession of the Organizing Committee and Congressmen have expressed us satisfaction through numerous messages of greeting received in ANI and people who formed part of the Technical Committee.In total, the 3rd National Congress of waterproofing have taught orally 40 papers from a total of 60 papers on various subjects within the field of building, civil engineering and rafts.

Fight Against Tax Havens Companies

Tax havens are back in the spotlight. Since the G-20 summit in London in April 2009, has stepped up pressure on offshore financial centers, to relax its bank secrecy and end the opacity in the creation of partnerships, trusts and private foundations. The purpose is clear: an end to tax evasion or if this fails, frightening as possible to the fraudsters to repatriate funds to their countries of origin, so they fill the empty state coffers. Some governments, such as Italian, even trying to encourage the return of money with a tax amnesty. Make no mistake. As much as our politicians will fill his cheeks with slogans of social justice and poverty alleviation, the movement has little to do with these noble principles.

In reality these reasons are merely a smokescreen to try to win popular support for the cause and disguise what it really is just a covert war for control of capital in the world. No one seems bothered that for example in United States or England, there kinds of companies that can be used by non-genuine expedients as offshore companies, trust directors, so-called straw men included. Nor that American banks are held millions of dollars that are free of deductions for belonging to foreigners living outside the country, which mostly do not declare them at their place of residence. At the end of the day is simple and fun to take away the bread to small and defenseless Caribbean island, which still dragged the reputation built up over the last decades of being centers for money laundering.

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