There is an increasing disagreement in the Spanish society, that people pronounce themselves is a consequence lgica". With respect to its electorate, from Citizens in Target they assure that it is a very heterogenous group: " We did not observe in our electorate any profile in particular, are many voters who come from others partidos". Its absence in the plenary sessions of the city councils will not have impact in the operation of the same, according to Fabian. " The other regidores will be those that make the decisions that consider advisable. Our attitude will continue being the critic was of the plenary session of ayuntamiento" , it explains. But, they can lose its acts not to attend no plenary session? Julian de Fabian assures that a legal emptiness exists, although potentially exists that possibility. " We are speaking of an historical fact without precedents in the democracy and that the law does not contemplate.
In an extreme case, previous claim on the part of other political forces, could be tried the reassignment of chairs, but we have predicted the legal measures pertinentes". Nevertheless, those that will be their companions in the city councils, political the elect councilmen of another formation, have still not been pronounced on their intention, although " at personal level, some members of other parties have assured to us that they get along with our proposal and that would agree in which the vote in target is representado". In Citizens in Target also they criticize the profile than they denominate the professional politician, who is " the one that lives on poltica" . " There are politicians in the Government who have been thirty and forty years receiving of the policy, taking a pay that is pleased with impuestos" , it makes see Fabian. " Thanks to the policy, in its nobler practice, we can today enjoy many rights and social conquests, but it has been professionalized and the policy has become a chaste one and that has left the civil base of which naci" , it concludes the councilman. Source of the news: Citizens in Target an empty chair will do history leaving