Monthly Archive: April 2013

National Union

The March of the million was the challenge launched by the outraged from Israel to get the largest demonstration in the history of this country. They are protesting by the social and economic situation in which Israel finds. More than 400,000 people star in the biggest demonstration in the history of Israel in the so-called March of one million, Zenith of the protest against the scarcity of life which began in July, according to channels 1, 2 and 10 of the local television. Towards 2230 local time (19.30 GMT), greater participation was recorded in Tel Aviv, with 292,000 people, while in Jerusalem have concentrated between 35,000 and 50,000 people and in Haifa about 25,000 people. We won’t stop this protest until you, Prime Minister (Benjamin Netanyahu), give us real solutions. We are here to stay, said one of the main leaders of the mobilization, the President of the National Union of students, Itzik Shmueli, at the rally in Tel Aviv. Shmueli warned that the road to victory will not be easy, but will end up with a better israeli society based on a better balance between the free market economy and the human economy.

The March of a million was the challenge launched by the outraged from Israel to achieve the largest demonstration in the country’s history, seven weeks after the start of his protest movement. The outraged managed to take to the streets to 300,000 people in the then largest concentration in the history of the Jewish State for reasons not related to the Middle East conflict. The figure today, in a country of 7.5 million, exceeds the until now greater concentration in the history of the Jewish State, when 400,000 people took to the streets in protest, 1982 by the massacres in the Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila, in the Lebanon. The Israelis of any political persuasion or religious, as it emphasizes one of the videos of mobilization ctuados by the organizers, had been summoned in cities across the country between 2030 and 2130 local time (17.30 and 18.30 GMT). Although the poster of the call reza, in a play on words: they only understand numbers, the organizers insisted that the success of the protest must not be measured solely by the number of attendees.

Last Saturday only mobilized 20,000, half in Tel Aviv. The israeli Minister’s Dnsa, Ehud Barak, advanced Friday that, although this Saturday night only 100,000 people, express their voice must be heard. The reply was born in Tel Aviv when a young planted in July, a tent in a downtown boulevard after running out of rented house. His case was followed by others in solidarity, which filled the Boulevard of hundreds of shops, spread to other cities and became a wider socio-economic protest movement. However, the initiative has been criticized in certain circles of left by set aside for tactical reasons the thorny issue of occupation and colonization of the Palestinian territories. Source of the news: more than 400,000 people in the March of the million, the largest protest in the history of Israel


Worrying increasingly more it is seen as the economic situation in Spain does not improve, the opposite, and that the current Government is not able to put an end to a continued rise in unemployment is going to be a burden difficult to overcome in many years; as discussed grades them economic gurus. Anyway, I think that you there be a great economist to see the reality and observe that the Government of ZP is not offering remedies. More than 4,000,000 unemployed as a historical record is to see it all more than black. The problem will worsen in addition at the time that many people who are currently collecting unemployment are left without it, every time there is less spending and thus less income VAT for the State and, already beginning to hear the first voices that Spain is a real burden for the European economy and that could even be removed from the euro. Almost nothing. All a demonstration of savoir faire while many small and large Spanish businesses close daily increasing complications of many families to these issues we can add the amount of seized apartments, the continuous increase of delinquencies and well, anyway; something must be done because giving an important volantazo economic and politically if we don’t want to stay much longer in acute crisis which, in one way or another, I think we will have not recovered until the year 2019.


Therefore, when designing the Administrator profile, the authorities, their teachers, must know that new scenarios have become increasingly dynamic and changing, requiring professionals not only, so know how to interpret that, but they are capable of providing knowledge and solutions to problems that arise in your environment. Before this reality, and more now that a serious problem in the industrial sector of the country, manifested especially by its low productivity, by the little productive participation of SMEs, product of his fear, insecurity, political instability, is when more schools should deal with the situation, guaranteeing highly trained professionals, with knowledge modern which at present being used in trade scenarios, thanks to the dynamic and aggressive competitiveness, which has allowed that they froze, proving that you knowing them using the results are favorable. The truth, as the career of administration in the present curriculum is not updated, which does not guarantee academic training of avant-garde future graduated from this school. From there, our insistence that the University authorities take more commitment demands that are being presented in the workplace in terms of learning and continuous training, where the quality of education plays an important role because this will allow the internationalisation of higher education, based on the nature of learning and research, where there is increasing the number of students who workthey live and communicate in an international context, connected in different types of networks thanks to the constant progress of technology and the communication. What deficiencies are perceived, are given and must be corrected promptly? These are derived according to the analysis that can be obtained from their teachers, programs, research, studies pensa, Mission vision, research, publications, analysis that can be supported by the use of a SWOT matrix. However, in general terms we can mention: there is no academic reformulation: what makes the profile of the graduate future is not chord to assume higher responsibilities in the management of a modern organization.

Rodiezmo Mining Party

This will be the second consecutive year in which Zapatero is not involved. The traditional festival, organised by UGT, will be held on 4 or 5 September. The Deputy Secretary general of the PSOE, Jose Blanco, attend the mining party of Rodiezmo (Leon) in representation of the federal leadership, rather than the j of the Government and leader of the party, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, in September or its candidate for the elections, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba. According to sources of the PSOE, the party leadership wanted to recover to a figure of first level to assist in your representation, once last year not already attract the Prime Minister. This will be the second consecutive year in which Zapatero does not participate in this mining Festival, organized by UGT and he attended since I was leader of the Leon Socialists. Zapatero decided to not go last year as a gesture of respect to the position and speech ugetistas on the occasion of the general strike for a few days later.

Jose White will be who represents to the PSOE in this occasion, an act which will be held on 4 or 5 September and will you expected come, as it is traditional, the Secretary general of UGT, Candido Mendez, and the former Government Alfonso Guerra. Since Zapatero was sworn in President had tapped his speech at Rodiezmo to open the political course and to express its special commitment to social policies. There, since 2004 he had announced every year a special climb of minimum pensions. Source of the news: Jose Blanco will attend on behalf of the PSOE at Rodiezmo mining party

Constitutional Court

Order CUL/2912/2010, of 10 November (official of Gazette number 275, of November 13), establishes the regulatory bases for granting public subsidies in regime of competitive concurrence of the Ministry of culture and its public agencies. Under it, the Director The INAEM-General is the competent body to carry out the public calls for aid for the body-building activities. The present call for aid is carried out on the basis of article 149.2 of the Spanish Constitution, without prejudice to the powers assumed by the different autonomous communities and cities with statute of autonomy in cultural matters. The centralized management of these subsidies is based, as he has been establishing a consolidated jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, in the responsibility assumed by the State to preserve the common cultural heritage to ensure equal possibilities of access, obtaining and enjoyment by potential recipients irrespective of its geographic origin, and in the orientation of aid towards artistic activities of statewide or internationally, as is clear from the definition and requirements of the different modalities. In effect, taking into account the nature of the measures envisaged, It is essential to establish a statewide system of aid which compensates the uneven implementation in the territory of the agents of the sector, without that it impedes the establishment of different measures of encouragement by the autonomous communities within its competence. In any case, the constitutional characterization of the culture as a concurrent competence between the State and the autonomous communities needed close collaboration between different territorial entities. The Sectorial Conference of culture activities and meetings of the plenary of the State Council of the performing arts and music contribute to build up a stable framework of collaboration. Conclusions and recommendations fruit of these encounters have had in mind when designing this call for aid, maintaining also the level of participation of the autonomous communities in the procedure of evaluation and granting of aid.

In this sense, and in accordance with the instructions of the Secretariat General technique of the Ministry of culture, the resolution has been report of the autonomous communities and the Ministry of Territorial policy and public administration to ensure its adequacy to the existing competence sharing in the field of culture. Finally, the present aid scheme has been approved by the European Commission through Decision of April 4, 2011, in application of article 107.3 d) of the Treaty on the functioning of the European Union and its implementing regulations. By virtue of the foregoing, this Directorate-General has been resolved: first. Purpose, object and scope of application. To display the resolution in its entirety, visit the website listed at the bottom of the article in your State section.

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