Monthly Archive: September 2012

Intersecretarias Commission

The Real Implantation At the beginning of the year of 2004 organized the Work group, with objective to argue with the pertaining to school community, the elaboration of the proposal of implantation of Integrated Average Ensino in the State of the Mato Grosso. During the elaboration of the project he was determined offers of the Courses in the cities of High Forest, Sinop, Bar of the Garas and Rondonpolis. Being that the lessons would have to happen in the State Schools of the SEDUC, located next to the CEPROTEC. In 2005, continuation accomplishes of the Work group of Integrated Average Education, and consolidated it creation of the Intersecretarias Commission for Integrated Average Ensino. After many quarrels were defined the attributions of the involved agencies, in the project of Average Ensino Integrated. In 2006 the Meeting of Mobilization in each pertaining to school community was carried through and was still become fullfilled, the qualification of the members of the Intersecretarias Commission for the MEC, with the subjects: Average education Integrated to the Professional Education, Curricular Proposal Pedagogical, Lines of direction and Evaluation for ability. In February of 2007 it had the retaken one of the Work group of Integrated Average Ensino.

The qualification of the team was carried through technique and involved professors in the requested project and the credenciamento and authorization for offer of the courses next to the State Advice of Education. In April each group gave itself to beginning to the lessons with 05 (five) groups with 35 pupils. Being in a group in High Forest a group in the Course Technician in Computer science in the State School Furlani Victory of the Riva School and a group in the Course Technician in Administration in Small Country properties in the School Green Gold. In Sinop a group of Technician in Computer science in the State School Edeli Mantovani, Rondonpolis a group in the Course Technician in Computer science in the State School Pindorama and Bar of the Garas a group in the Course Technician in Computer science, the State School Heronides Arajo.

European Commission

Perhaps the most excellent data of the survey is that a 75% of the people interviewed demand the existence of tools that allow them to be able to erase their data of Internet they wish as soon as it. This idea is not new, and it is that we return to which has been called right to the forgetfulness, I finish that every time this acquiring more force between the exigencies of internauts and one of the factors that the European Commission this studying to include in future revisions of the referring communitarian norms the protection of data. In this sense Viviane Reding, Vice-president and Commissariats of Justice of the EU it has declared that most of the citizens are customary to facilitate personal data to buy in line or to use the social networks. But, at the same time, the use worries to them that can become of that information and sometimes they feel that the control escapes to them on that situation. For that reason, when updating the norms in the matter of protection of data, desire to clarify of explicit form that the citizens will have the right and not only the possibility of retiring the consent so that their data are processed. These declarations have a solid base and is that the data of the study are clear, a 90% of the survey ones wish that the norms on protection of data are equal in everything Europe.

Civil Code

The guard meets disciplined by the one for articles 1,583 the 1,590 of the Civil Code. The study of the current law in he provides one better understanding to them on the institute of the guard under the point of view of if treating, simultaneously, of a right and duty that the parents exert on the lesser children. In this direction, he detaches Manoela Maria: The guard is the right to command the life of the children, watching them and determining it to them moral formation, always in search of its better interest, with the power to remove them of who withholds illegally them. It is at the same time, one to have a public duty to watch, to guide and to take care of, the one that are the guardies, or guard obliged to fulfill. Thus, we can consign that the guard constitutes a must-power of the parents destined to the protection, education the preparation to the development of the minor. However we cannot olvidar that the culture to the affection feeling is essential to the formation of the minor. According to Enunciated n 101 of the Advice of Federal, resultant Justice of the I Day of Civil law, it is understood for guard: CJF – Enunciated 101 – Art. 1.583: without damage of the duties that compose the sphere of the familiar power, the expression? custody of children? , to the light of art.

1.583, can understand the unilateral guard in such a way how much the shared one, in attendance the beginning of optimum interest of the child. It competes to the genitors, the text of the made use one for art. 1.634 of the Civil Code: the direction of the education and the creation, to have them without its guard and company, to grant or to deny to them assent to them to marry, to nominate tutorial for will or document officially recorded to them, if the other of the parents not to survive to it, survives or it will not be able to exert the familiar power, to represent them, until the sixteen years, in the acts of the life civil, assistiz them, after this age, in the acts where they will be parts, supplying to them the assent, to complain them of who withholds illegally them and to demand that they give obedience, respect and proper services of its age and condition to them.

The Federal Constitution

Thus it had certain reduction of the power to contract, for a bigger interest, a collective and solidary interest. If it does not treat to breach the directive power that the citizens have in relation its lives, but the dosage of these primates when the exercise of a private law and egostico comes to injure diffuse interests. The general objective of to be made study is to verify the obligatoriness of pacta ahead sunt servanda of the social function of the contract and the free private initiative. E, of form to reach this goal, to confirm or not it declared hypothesis previously, has that to mark itself, especificadamente the following stages: to verify by means of bibliographical research, historically and currently the advantages and disadvantages in such a way of the social function of the contract how much of the free private initiative, to observe the difficulties found in the applicability of article 421 of the Civil Code in the Brazilian society, according to which the freedom to contract will be exerted in reason and the limits of the social function of the contract and to approach to this new ditame with the Code of Defense of the Consumer. 2. The Federal Constitution of 1988 and the Civil Code of 2002, principles and social function The Federal Constitution of 1988 brought as fundamental principle the protection to the rights and individual guarantees of the man (art. 5), treating more specifically to the one to the Dignity to the Person Human being in its articles (article 1 interpolated proposition III), influencing all the Brazilian legal system. One of the also determinative reasons in this Constitution is interpolated propositions XXI and XXIII of article 5, in which it safeguards the property right that will take care of the social function mainly, however its applicability starts to delineate a new legal thought with the new Civil Code of 2002, when the State intervines directly and objective in the private relations, submitting the judiciary a mission to fix in the conflict of private interest what it means the function social.

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