Monthly Archive: December 2012


Which the ambient impacts suffered by this ecosystem in the beach from Good Trip (coastal pernambucano south) in recent years and its future perspectives?Recife of chorale, under the geomorflogico point of view, is a rocky, rigid, resistant structure the action of the waves and chains sea, and constituted of carrying marine organisms skeleton calcareous rock. However the reefs of chorales seriously are threatened. They is esteem that 27% of reefs of chorales in the coast of Pernambuco already had been degraded of irreversible form. In the rhythm current forecasts indicate a similar loss will occur in next the 30 years. The threat to sea biodiversity, occurs mainly when this ecosystem this being pointed as the first and bigger ecosystem to suffer significant impacts, provoked mainly for climatic changes. The phenomenon of branqueamento of the chorales deserves unquestionable attention, has as .causing the global heating, provoked for an increase of the temperature of the water, (above 280 C) increase of the photosyntheses and toxin release, causing the death and consequentemente a disequilibrium in this ecosystem.

Perhaps the progress proposal brought necessarily for Pernambuco in the South coast, the Port of Suape, Added to this engenhoca of the man came one of the biggest ambient crimes already seen in our state. With great ratios, it had visibly ambient disequilibrium with the destruction and I fill with earth of manguezais and dinamitao of a reef population of chorales. But if it was not still enough has other threats as: the disordered tourism, this then has been reason of concern to the ambient agencies. The impacts provoked for human uses it fishes as it predatory, the pollution, the indiscriminate diving, also speed up the degradation of this ecosystem. The reefs of chorales are to the base of the survival, species, also pelgicos, that ' ' they do not live in corais' ' , but they use its outskirts for reproduction.


Through its method of comment, he established the existence of an interaction enters the most diverse constituent elements of the Land, being that he occurs a relation of cause and consequence between them, the beginning of the causalidade, as he comments Of Martonne (1953, P. 13): … nobody showed in way more necessary as the man depends on the ground, the climate, of the vegetation, as the vegetation is function of the physical phenomena, as these same depend ones on the others. LOCALIZATION. GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF the AREA Photo: Gonalves, Thamyres Sabrina. A LITTLE OF the HUSTRIA OF MINICPIO CHAPADA GAUCHO the city of Chapada Gaucho, old Village of the Gauchos, had its beginning of povoamento in the year of 1976, when the first deriving inhabitants of the Rio Grande Do Sul had arrived, for project PADSA, (Project of Directed Nesting the Mountain range of You plough), that it integrated the cities of Formoso, Arinos, Januria and San Francisco.

In the year of 1994, it had a plebiscite in the town of Village of the Gauchos to choose the name of the new District, the voted names more had been: New Horizon, Chapada Gaucho and Mountain range Gaucho, as already Horizon had another District with the New denomination, automatically took advantage as the voted name more, (Chapada Gaucho). In this exactly year, the City council of San Francisco approved the Law n 1523 of 19 of December of 1994 creating the new District of Chapada Gaucho, having its desmembrado territory of the remaining District of Mountain range of Araras. In 28 of January of 1995, the District of Chapada was installed Gaucho, in the old Village of the Gauchos; in this exactly year, started the process of emancipation of the city. An unknown fact in the State of Minas Gerais occurred, therefore, the Chapada Gaucho was the only town that the same turned District and City in year, created for Law 12,030 of 21 of December of 1995, where it had the junction of the Districts of Chapada Gaucho and Mountain range of Araras, thus creating the new city of the Great Hinterland Trails, (CHAPADA GAUCHO), having the Mountain range of Araras as District.

Optimum Agreement

Thus for optimum agreement of the form the induction must be preceded by the experience, beyond the necessity to multiply and to diversify the same ones. The inquiry of the forms thus proceeds: on a given nature a citation must in first place be made exactly before the intellect of all the known instances that agree to one same nature, that meets in similar substances. this collection must historically be made, without premature speculations or too much requinte. (NOVUM ORGANUM, book II, aphorism XI). For this agreement it is basic to practise the true induction, a really probable, susceptvel induction of test that, a understood time the cause, ceases the effect. Thus all coherent experimental research, delimited well must be supported in three boards of inquiry, beyond the resources auxiliary of the agreement of the form. The three boards constitute the central nucleus of the baconiana induction, the method of inquiry of the nature that allowed a correct one knowledge of the phenomena leaving of the concrete facts, such as if give in the experience ascending to the general forms, that constitute its laws and causes, are delimited in the comment of the three boards.

The first board calls it of Presence, it deals with the collect and it collects of great number of facts. The researcher must write down its comments, to organize an exploration of the given nature, and to place questions to this nature, through the accomplishment of experiences, Bacon guides eight ways of comment, that are: Union, variation, prolongation, transference, inversion, compulsion, change of conditions and the repetition. The first step of the inductive method is to collect and to collect the most varied facts.

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