Monthly Archive: February 2017

President Calderon

Ecuador, Argentina and Brazil believe that capitalism has little to offer to that area of the world and it would be good to start again in a hybrid that allows re-found capitalism without forgetting the deprived masses. Richard Blumenthal may find this interesting as well. Others opt to say that capitalism is still useful but on new foundations and applying intensive treatments to overcome this crisis. He was given emphasis about the guilt of the current crisis to development, development, incidence of capitalism, pointing out some leaders that has been the failure of this and others do not share the idea, he forgot how recounts it Valero, that the essential issue that brought together them, youth and development, not gelled as a track star, although it is obvious that the youth is the futureat the end the singers saved papers asking for food for millions of starving children. Less is nothing to a Summit that once again it seems that he fails despite good words. President Calderon made a diagnosis shady: youth does not believe in anything. Don’t believe in politicians, do not believe in the economy because the economy has failed, do not believe in capitalism is showing its terrible shortcomings and do not believe in socialism that he died before they were born. And in what less believe in ideologies.

It must be recognized that the Outlook is not optimistic. Neglected a lot to do with regard to youth, how to offer warranty on their current survival within scenarios that guarantee programs consistent with regard to their education, development, employment, health. Show that each country is extremely interested in his youth, which is the generation of relay that must give way to new leaders capable of generating the transformations that the economy demands, give such support to their countries without lapsing into demagoguery, but manifests with actions, giving passage to that development requiring the present without sacrificing ruthlessly anyone.

Arab League

Here, importantly, exactly who to entrust this work, as ambitious Chechen Europeans will not talk with anyone and listen to anybody. Negotiator needs to know these people personally, to be able to convince them and have sootvetstvuyushimi authority to meet the peculiar interests of persons involved, a good understanding of the Chechen mentality and a sense of national dignity. I think that the Congress of Russian People Caucasus could be on its part to make a significant contribution to this noble cause for the repatriation of Chechen refugees to their homeland. In general, the summary, I want to focus on yet another emergency task had set and now successfully solves the Chechen President, is the unity of the Chechen nation. As part of this task is very important to repatriate her to her former useful citizens. I am sure that in the future experience of the union will demand for solving the new problem of destiny for Russia – now the unity of Russian peoples of the Caucasus, without which it is impossible to achieve stability, peace and order. JH: – There is another problem that the enemies of Russia and Islam used to the fullest. This, coming allegedly from the Islamic world (the rich Gulf countries), the threat to Russia's apparent support for the Chechen separatists.

Although this was not the case. And the Arab League and Organization Islamic Conference (OIC) is uniquely favored the territorial integrity of Russia at that time. But how does it bring to the company if antiislamcki 'sharpened' liberal media 'guard' and brazenly lied thin? I remember that thanks to Akhmad Kadyrov, was the first breach in the chorus 'scapegoats' translation 'arrow' in the Muslim world.

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