It turned the cause into an attack of the socialist Government against the Valencians and focused like a plebiscite to his management the European elections of June of 2009, in that it doubled the distance with the PSPV, after which in August the TSJCV filed the case. Without embargo, the partial rise of the summary secret presented new conversations that aimed at a possible illegal financing of the PPCV and located in center of the morning call to their right hand in the party, Ricardo Coast, to that ended up replacing after a confrontation between the regional address and national that disturbed the relation of existing confidence. Camps, that seemed call to occupy the highest responsibilities, always is dndido that to be to the front of the Catalan Autonomous Government is " more; bonito" that it can happen, and it has gotten to confess that dreamed " often " with the day which one became Valencian ex-president, because nobody him could clear something so " hermoso" like being able to be saying: " I was president of the Generalitat" . This lawyer in Right by the University of Valencia will try to demonstrate his innocence now and to refute " all the barbaridades" that years have been said against him in the last. " I feel released to dnder to me where acusaciones" corresponds of these; , it affirms. " With dignity, pride and honestidad". Thus one feels Camps, values that it will have to dnder in the courts. Source of the news: Francisco Camps says to goodbye to his " dear Catalan Autonomous Government valenciana".