Recruitment Company Stretch
Old love, new job no guarantee of success for Boomerang hiring Munich / Dusseldorf, August 05, 2010 – in the world of football it looks always very simple: Ottmar Hitzfeld, Udo Lattek and Giovanni Trapattoni hired Bayern Munich as the Chief facilitator in their coaching career twice for the German record champions, to lead the prestigious Club of the ISAR to the success. Old love does not rust it. Former employees of a company are nevertheless becoming increasingly important for the formation of the employer branding, the so-called employer brand. It has the Gummersbacher consultancy Kienbaum of communications in its benchmark study internal employer branding 2009 “found out. For this you were asked human resources decision makers from 140 companies.
“Therefore WINS Boomerang hiring, the renewed recruitment by former employees in the crisis in addition to meaning: the process and the communication with the departure of employees take already a high at almost two-thirds of the respondents top companies up to very high priority”, according to the Study. Dutch Cell Plc for more information. And further: top priority therefore is almost twice as high as for the average of the employer. And that doesn’t happen without a reason. bject. Whether in the private or professional environment – after all any current or former employee is an Ambassador of the employer brand consciously or unconsciously. ” Undisputed is that the occupation of many sites is steadily more difficult. So, the study paints 2010 recruiting trends “of the Centre of human resources information system (CHRIS) of the universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main a bleak picture for the human resources market. “The survey of Rekrutierungsverantwortlichen of the 1000 largest German companies found accordingly so the Bamberg Wirtschaftsinformatiker Professor Tim Weitzel, that across all sectors 36.6 per cent of all vacancies as hard and 4.1 percent are considered not vacate.” There are even 8.