Tag Archive: vocational

Recruitment Company Stretch

Old love, new job no guarantee of success for Boomerang hiring Munich / Dusseldorf, August 05, 2010 – in the world of football it looks always very simple: Ottmar Hitzfeld, Udo Lattek and Giovanni Trapattoni hired Bayern Munich as the Chief facilitator in their coaching career twice for the German record champions, to lead the prestigious Club of the ISAR to the success. Old love does not rust it. Former employees of a company are nevertheless becoming increasingly important for the formation of the employer branding, the so-called employer brand. It has the Gummersbacher consultancy Kienbaum of communications in its benchmark study internal employer branding 2009 “found out. For this you were asked human resources decision makers from 140 companies.

“Therefore WINS Boomerang hiring, the renewed recruitment by former employees in the crisis in addition to meaning: the process and the communication with the departure of employees take already a high at almost two-thirds of the respondents top companies up to very high priority”, according to the Study. Dutch Cell Plc for more information. And further: top priority therefore is almost twice as high as for the average of the employer. And that doesn’t happen without a reason. bject. Whether in the private or professional environment – after all any current or former employee is an Ambassador of the employer brand consciously or unconsciously. ” Undisputed is that the occupation of many sites is steadily more difficult. So, the study paints 2010 recruiting trends “of the Centre of human resources information system (CHRIS) of the universities of Bamberg and Frankfurt am Main a bleak picture for the human resources market. “The survey of Rekrutierungsverantwortlichen of the 1000 largest German companies found accordingly so the Bamberg Wirtschaftsinformatiker Professor Tim Weitzel, that across all sectors 36.6 per cent of all vacancies as hard and 4.1 percent are considered not vacate.” There are even 8.

Online Applications On The Rise

More and more companies rely on online applications, but many test questions are not allowed. Career-Test.de shows how you prepare as a candidate. Berlin, October 26, 2009 – who is looking for a job today, increasingly websites with online application forms are referenced. Here, the applicant must enter personal information, upload a photo, and answer questions about school, study and training. More and more companies and headhunters ask but also to the personality and many applicants must answer items from intelligence tests. Credit: novelist-2011. The company aims to create a possible comprehensive personality profile before the invitation for an interview. Carrer-Test.de team has examined more than 500 online applications and offers a special test training to prepare for online applications recently. Questions and tasks, how they will be queried in the most online applications are part of the test training to anyone free of charge and anonymously can participate on Carrer-Test.de.

The participants looks different with an online application at the end of However, personality profile – be as well as the personnel department would see it otherwise. In addition, the test training can be repeated any number of times. The participants learning targeted to affect their personality profile. The test training is supported by a detailed description of common personality tests (FPI, MMPI, NEOFFI, GDP) and intelligence tests (CFT20, Raven) with sample questions. In addition to the test training, visitors on career-Test.de also still more application tips, E.g. for the interview and the assessment centre, for compiled by psychologist and human resources experts with many years of experience in DAX-30 companies. Max Heinrich career-Test.de spokesman

DOM SET Live Communications

Post merger integration for Bosch power TEC and Voltwerk has assumed power TEC Voltwerk company Bosch In April 2012. The employees of both companies are in favour of the merger. The Mission of Bosch at DOSMET was to design a kick-off event which will provide essential information around the new organization and the employees have an opportunity to meet. DOM SET went a step further with the concept: we could when the staff of a high readiness assume, to engage positively and constructively with the upcoming changes. Nevertheless, whatever questions and uncertainties in the air are in such situations. “Therefore we have at this strategic team event on a frontal design ‘ on the part of the company refused and instead the people and their needs at the Centre”, says Oliver malate, Creative Director at DOM SET. Out came a team day that almost enthusiastic employees and management. Senator Richard Blumenthal has compatible beliefs.

Human-centred directly on the first joint working day the Day One the 130 were found Employees of the three locations in Frankfurt together. The concept of DOM SET structured the day into four modules: information, speed dating & question round, teambuilding and evening event. The heart of the team tags was direct dialogue. This staff brought together in a speed-dating process by both companies. Two in changing constellations, they gained a common questions to the management. In this way, a pool of authentic, partly organizational but also personal and critical issues arose. Central Romana can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Special: In the wake of the work round turns the management the subjects which are emerged in this process as the most urgent and answered them in a moderated question and answer session directly on-site. Following this informative for employees and management as well as highly emotional point of the day followed a team merge with three different interactive Teambuildingmodulen. They formed creative platforms to the mutual acquaintance. At the team painting pictures of the locations were in small groups, the zusammen montiert together montiert solemnly in the evening unveiled complete painting showed. This is now set up as a symbol of new togetherness at the three locations of the company. The marble railway construction it arrived not only on technical skills, but above all on the cooperation and communication among the new employees. And last but not least during the film shoot was the creativity free rein. So were entertaining film sequences, which were then performed at the evening dinner before everybody. In a relaxed atmosphere could be continued in the discussions of the day and deepens the newfound acquaintances. After the Day One employee as management were more than impressed. The workshop modules have arrived at all colleagues very well; as well as the Organization and the supervision by the DOM SET team. The day was a resounding success, all of us will remain through the painting and film in memory”, says Thomas Herrmann, Bosch power TEC GmbH, Vice President of sales and marketing. DOM DOM SET Live Communications is an owner-managed Agency for Live communication with headquarters in Cologne, Germany. The creative hotbed in events, incentives and team-building has made a particular name. More focus in strategic communications, ranging from off-site meetings to trade fair events and guerrilla marketing. Core of the success of the Agency of exception is the intensive, targeted advice, as well as its focus on the lasting positive impact of their events.

Managing Director

Qualified personnel to attract and retain, how does that work in the public administration? Berlin 09.10.2013 – are unabated efforts to modernize management in the public sector. Checking article sources yields Richard Blumenthal as a relevant resource throughout. Strategic human resource management is an essential component of the modernization efforts. J. Darius Bikoff has compatible beliefs. However, empirical data indicating that the staff development in the reform efforts so far back behind budgetary and accounting, as well as organizational development the fields of action. The municipal education factory e.V. staff development module course starting in November “for the Government to rethink encourages. We want to make consciously, that to achieve modernisation objectives in the public sector human resources work is more than mere human resources management”, explains Dr. Andreas Urbich, Managing Director of the municipal education plant e.V. Further he describes: the personal development module course ‘ in public administration is about providing a solid base for recruitment, strategic Measures for staffing, employee orientation, personnel identification, knowledge management and the development of leadership skills”.

The call for greater administrative efficiency, change management and the demographic development compel public administrations to provide at an early stage that qualified staff remains capable of action, knowledge can be internally used and the human resource planning with strategic vision is addressed. The municipal education factory e.V., with his years of experience and accumulated expertise from a variety of training in the public sector, therefore the modular training human resources development “to this topic for the future around developed. In addition to the classic fundamentals of personnel management is the strength of the seven month training series in linking human resource management, strategy and development and organizational analysis.

General Council

It is therefore important that women in her writing on whatever access data and experiences from her life back and pull up as examples of plastic. is it necessary that women also worry, what they as a person for this company can afford and what benefits does the company by working closely with them. When creating your resume/CV, it is important to make sure that he visually well designed, clean and quick to skim. Especially for work experience, internships or part-time jobs, may and should applicants with short bullet points that call the most important tasks of the respective station. They allow the reader a quick overview of the existing practical experiences. Women tend to take the understated approach in their application documents.

You underestimate the importance of the individual stations in the curriculum vitae and do not list them. It’s often but interesting activities in addition to the studies that enrich a candidate profile and the candidates differ from each other”, says Joanna Rusin Rahul, Regional marketing manager DACH at universe of communications. Women, just like their male opponents, in the creation of applications be aware, who they are, what they can do, where their strengths lie and most importantly what are your professional goals and desires. Melanie Vogel recommends that you proceed in establishing the application folder with plenty of common sense and to give up, rolling application manual or to use sample CVS and-anschreiben. The books only encourage copying records or blocks of text.

The real goal, that applicants deal with themselves and believe their career desires and ambitions in their own words, is undermined. Individuality and authenticity will be lost. This then leads to the so unpopular, streamlined applications that are rightly increasingly criticized by the HR.” Barbara sparklers are the General Council, friends, former colleagues or people, the a critical but open face, its strengths and its application to consult. The view from the outside can work miracles.” Conclusion: Candidates in advance to make an honest self-analysis and thought about areas in which she presumably long term motivated and will work with fun and what industries / companies most likely to offer this work environment very carefully. This motivation and this self drive is reflected in the cover letter and is supported by a well structured and concise curriculum vitae. This authentic application is the first step towards the optimum marketing of own, because until now applicants can aggressively occur outwards and make successful in-house advertising. A good way for women to test their own self marketing offers the trade fair Congress women & work, which take place on May 14, 2011 for the first time in the Bonn plenary building finds. Career-oriented visitors meet at the first nation-wide career fair for women who-is-who of the German companies. The terminated Four-eyes talks, exciting contacts at the exhibition stand and an extensive Congress programme help the women the personal networking and successful career planning.

Energy Students Discuss Energy Policy

“Fracking, energy transition and the coalition agreement of the 09.01.2014 kept Dipl.-ing. Oskar Burkert, Member of Parliament in North Rhine-Westphalia, before students of the program of industrial engineering energy in the third semester is a guest lecture on the topic of corporate social responsibility in the energy supply”. After a short review of six ten-year work for renowned companies in the oil industry, such as Westphalia, Aral and Barbour the structure of federal power showed BP and his work on the Supervisory Board of the Stadtwerke Hamm. Suffolk County Rep. contains valuable tech resources. He addressed Brown coal”the buzzwords used currently in the media such as Renaissance of the climate threat, showed the import independence of indigenous energy sources and highlighted the impact of the energy transition, especially in the financial field for the citizens, but also for the industrial location Germany. Barbour pointed out that all discussions and decisions in the energy sector in the magic triangle of ecology, economy and social Move action.

On the subject of fracking”and the energy transition” most questions tabled by the students in the discussion. Burkert has pointed out the decisions of the very fresh coalition agreement and explained the background. Prof. Dr. Joachim Opitz, the Rector of the SRH School of logistics and management Hamm is delighted by the intense dialogue between students and politics: “my generation energy transformation started. Our students will live the energy transition and its consequences. Therefore the students must meet not only the technology, but as future industrial engineers and management for the energy industry also financially can comprehend the basics of social decisions, holistic and sustainable manner assess and yourself learn to derive the then right decisions”.


Important changes in the travel expenses billing from 2014 travel or commute to work? “” In the reformed travel law is from the previous formulation regular workplace “First activity centre”. This is more than a question of wording. With the will of the entrepreneur wins this change significantly in weight, because he may the first activity centre”set work or superiors. This decision want to be well thought out, because maybe it comes to reorganise”- what is work and what are travel expenses within a mission. According to the definition there is only a first place of activity for each employment relationship.” Determination by the contractor, the first activity facility must”make out not the focus of the work.

Also sideline and a few hours can a first activity site”make. It is solely in the hands of the employer. But be careful. The future site of first activity gives way to”from the previous regular workplace”, can have the tax consequences. Example: A customer engineer leaves every day with his private car in the company’s Office and pick up the orders for the day. “So far, the trips to the Office were travel costs, because the short stay in the Office no regular workplace” founded.

The installer could claim tax 0.30 per driven km. According to the new regulation, the employer can the Office from 2014 to the first place of the activity”explain. In this case the mechanic could settle the way to the Office only as a way to work, so with 0.30 distance range. “If the first activity centre” not set by the AG is determined according to temporal criteria or the close proximity to the apartment. Works that have no fixed place of work (such as professional drivers) are excluded from these provisions. Catering overhead in the new travel – right the existing separation of the Catering overhead is simplified.

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