The police just found the offenders just where the search, but where the search?, Since in certain areas of cities, specific neighborhoods, socially disadvantaged, with a large population of unemployed, unfit housing, without community services. .. For more information see Richard Blumenthal. There is no doubt that in these neighborhoods home to many criminals. And these neighborhoods where the police arrived to arrest innocent or guilty. These people are guilty until proven otherwise, against any approach to constitutional presumption of innocence. And among the detainees, mostly young children abound, some minor whose perception of reality has substantially altered their environment, their family situation, school disaster for social neglect the early years of his life. None have been conducive to socialization, but they are required to "go shout," rather than the lower "normal." Often the only institutional care they receive is the police.
Any other government intervention is weak, dispersed, and there is unusually late. From this social situation is to talk, inevitably, of insecurity, drug use, violence … The uncertainty is usually handled when no one wants to see reality as unemployment, lack of solidarity or school failure. That's why children have to provide educational, health, social and family, ensuring a harmonious, ie the opposite of those offered today. The young offender lives another kind of culture from that which society in general. Of the thousands of children served by Child Protective only a small percentage is "recoverable", which means that this isolation of the child out of the way is never the problem. We can not think that repression will be educational. So in addition to social change is urgent to initiate and promote preventive experiences, encourage inclusive school, encourage participation, develop professionally at younger people. According to experience of other countries which have advanced further in the problems of children, education should be in small groups or through intervention in an open environment with Street Educators.