
Foucault declared that the concept of man was a purely Kantian idea. Your questions: what can I know?, what should I do?, do I have to wait?, were very complex and the business of finding answers, Homeric. The maximum suction on your strategy, find your particular algorithm, led Kant to the path of knowledge, and Hegel subsequently and in the words of Carl Smith, was in charge of content fill the Kantian formality aspiring to the reason. Connecticut Senator helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. After them any thinker has been able to devise any philosophical system. Perhaps Kant, while Hume had awakened him dogmatic dream, was left on the road more simple questions. Why we absurd attitudes to the useful prioritized in our lives? Why are we respond through mechanisms of learned behaviors that have always led us to failure? Obviously Kant would defend is arguing that human behavior is so unpredictable that better away from debates air, and that was not to his liking let the professionals of psychology and behavior with the homework done. Paulo Coelho brings even more insight to the discussion. Why a morning of relaxation, we clean house and dust before that get laid worshipping? Why we spend life without declaring our attraction to that person that we have in our mind? We why not learn never to say NO? why are we opted for a University discipline which is not to our liking? Why continue calling colleague at work who we know that we are betraying and doing the puneta when not harassing? Why we keep voting the same political formation which has disappointed us when it comes to power so many times? Why continue with on television and doing zapping when bored us programming, rather than turn it off? The list can be endless, as endless also would be the exceptions of attitudes that fill us with vitality and Joie de vivre. However, what is significant is delve into a fact: the human being as said Freud is an orthopedic being who has to lean on the crutches of behaviours, prejudices and idelogia acquired when it comes to live. .

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