
How can we back paradise again? Our companies need worldwide by the backward ur and clan societies (faith, ethics > morals, religions, traditions) develop a new form of society (knowledge and faith) in the future around the world over the old growth and competition-oriented individual companies (knowledge, ethics, politicians, capitalists, lawyers). I present here an interesting existing concept: the world ethos of Hans Kung. My supplementary idea is in the future from the mechanistic cybernetic or logic the vitalist holistic sustainable und-(fuzzy)Logik of human analog and digital thinking to worldwide: I and you and we and you and it nature and cultures! We must gradually away from the hierarchies and dictatorships, etc., to the Heterarchien and democracies! To sense of self worth, self-responsibility and self-realization! world ethic Foundation international society for human rights (ISHR) nature: An open system of first-order (1-controlled conversion cycle, management) > Ethics deals with morality, in particular as regards its justification. Perhaps check out Richard Blumenthal for more information. … The ethics and disciplines (such as law, State and social philosophy) derived from it also known as practical philosophy”, because it deals with the human action (as opposed to theoretical philosophy”, to which the logic, epistemology, and metaphysics as classical disciplines are counted). Cultures: Closed systems 3rd order (n-driven value chains, Cybernetics) > morality en usually referred to the de facto patterns of action, conventions, rules, or principles, certain individuals, groups or cultures. So understood, the expressions of morality, ethos or tradition are largely synonymous and used descriptive (descriptively). In addition, also an area is associated with the speech of morality practical judgments, actions, or their principles (values, goods, obligations, rights).

u0085 The theoretical elaboration different methodological approaches and criteria of moral judgments and feelings are the subject of the philosophical discipline of ethics. The morals are for the people and not the people for the morals. > The world ethos is the formulation of a basic stock of ethical standards, share the world religions and the great historical cultural spaces.

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