WWF Granted Germany In The Fight Against Illegal Timber A
ForestFinance criticized inadequate implementation of EU regulation against the marketing of illegally batted Woods 2010 adopted EU regulation against the marketing of illegal timber in the EU implemented so far only insufficiently, the WWF reported in his current Government Barometer wood”. Of the 27 EU States, only ten States have taken at all adequate measures against illegal wood imports. “Germany cuts here tie the best with the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, achieved a satisfying but still only”. A real first place isn’t”, explained WWF forest expert Nina Garcia. The other States are just so bad that the note 3 for a top spot meets Germany.” This result also for the Bonn forest investment provider ForestFinance, which for years has campaigned for a primeval forest protection law in the EU is disappointing.
The EU regulation against the marketing of illegal timber was an important step for the forest, species and climate change”, says Managing Director Harry ForestFinance Assenmacher. Unfortunately lacking on the implementation.” The hope is now a law that takes effect in March 2013 and punishable is the import of illegally logged timber. If indeed strict checks are carried out and already the import of timber from illegal sources is prevented, this law can contribute much to the protection of the last existing rain forests”, so Assenmacher. Until then we recommend consumers as before, when buying at least recognized seal as the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) to ensure wood.” Wood from sustainably managed forests instead of rain forest destruction: only for credible, verified by independent certification programs third-party, for example, of the internationally recognized FSC, consumers can rest assured that the forest in which the wood is hit, is used legally and sustainably. Read additional details here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Forests, which are managed according to the FSC Principles and criteria shall ensure that the social, economic and environmental benefits of sustainable Forestry to benefit the people and businesses, that most depend on the forests. Also, the forest of ForestFinance are tropical forests. Please visit visit website if you seek more information.
Different trees and plants form a new forest permanently, because no clear-cutting is operated during the harvest after 25 years. The new forest meets important ecological functions such as water and soil conservation and serves as a Habitat for endangered animals and plants. As CO2 storage, absorb the forests also harmful carbon dioxide emissions and thus contribute to climate protection. Specialized on ForestFinance that is Bonn ForestFinance Group on sustainable forest investments, ecological and social sustainability connect the lucrative return. For its nearly 10,000 customers, ForestFinance sustainably managed nearly 4,000 acres of forest. “The company was as the world’s first with the FSC Global Partner Award in the field of financial services” award. FSC is the world’s most recognized environmental label for environmentally and socially sustainable forestry. With the BaumSparVertrag you can from 33 euro per month or unique 360 euro replant his own tropical forest investment allow, see can choose in addition to the BaumSparVertrag between other sustainable forest investment offers prospects: the WaldSparBuch offers 1,000 m2 forest with a buy-back guarantee. Annual income offer as a future project”excellent CacaoInvest and GreenAcacia, only seven forest investment. The ForestFinance safety concept, which includes a fire insurance, post planting warranty and 5 percent insurance areas, protects investors from potential losses. For more information, see