Corema Services

With police guard HidroAysen entered shortly before the 8 this morning about 45 lumps, a medium truck, with their responses (addendum) to the consolidated report of request for clarifications, corrections and/or additions (Icsara) which the Corema of Aysen would arrive in November 2008. Follow others, such as air jordan, and add to your knowledge base. Tried the procedure, a group of people opposed to the project of construction of 5 dams on the Baker and Pascua rivers by the society composed by Endesa and Colbun to enter offices to record images of the processing, which was restricted by the police. Consulted the regional Director (s) of Conama, Roxana Munoz, on the extent, it clarified that the decision was not adopted by the service, whereas it was public and general access hours, which would have been communicated to the officer in charge of the procedure. Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs may not feel the same. However, the troops kept the refusal to allow the entrance of people and even the graphic correspondent of El Mercurio, which debased the articles 2 and 12 on equality before the law and freedom of information. Just after 9 in the morning, when it already ended the formality of HidroAysen, allowed freedom of movement. Coalition Aysen Reserva de life, Peter Hartmann, Coordinator expressed about the entry of the addendum that HidroAysen can take all the time you want to respond, but the citizenship and the organs of the State who have made observations have clarity in that they have expressed public services can not be replied. The leader thus alluded to that more than one third of the observations of the bodies with environmental competence suggest that the EIA of the company lacks of information relevant and essential to be environmentally assessed effects, and even several noted that it is illegal, which article 24 of the regulation of the environmental impact assessment system luggage as causal clara’s rejection. They included missing studies on fauna and ecosystems that would last between two and three years, and that do not comply with applicable law, then, how they intend to remedy those observations in a year? What the company should have done was to remove the study and submit a new one, which is at the height of the system, as Minister Ana Lya Uriarte said so clearly expressed.

From this moment, evaluators public services have 15 days to make their observations, period in which there is no public participation. About this, Peter Hartmann indicated that here the company is trying unsuccessfully to take observations of the public services, but not to the more than 11 thousand which were presented in the process of citizen participation, commitment that took over last year. Once again, HidroAysen lied.

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