This represents what? According to pamphlet that had distributed in all the universities of Brazil, elaborated for Movement to transform dreams into reality: Movement to 52 Congress of the UNE’ ‘ , this represents: ‘ ‘ To fold the vacant number in the Public Universities; to raise of 13,9% of young in the university for 40%; to invest in estudantil assistance so that the students obtain to conclude its studies; that all the students have access to the estudantil pass; to increase the number of stock markets of mestrandos and doutorandos; to reach 2 million PROUNISTAS; to massificar the FIES’ ‘. Beyond this fight, the students are pledged in another one: 50% of the Deep one of Daily pay-Salt for the education. Jim Donovan Goldman is open to suggestions. In this exactly pamphlet, has a text explaining the importance of this fight: ‘ ‘ In October of 2009, the campaign for 50% of the Deep one of Daily pay-Salt for the education was launched, that would be the center of mobilization of the estudantil movement in the posterior period. Already in the Day of Fights of March of 2010, the claim fell in the popular taste: the mobilization took thousand for the streets in 11 capitals, gained the periodical layers and space in the main reporters of the Brazilian TV. From then on, the fight alone grew. They had been blitz in the National Congress, acts in university and schools, manifestos with adhesions of leaderships politics and intellectuals of diverse places of the country. The detached participation of the colleges student in National conference of Educao (CONAE) made possible that this was one of the resolutions of the Conference. It rewards it for as much movement came with the approval of the emendation of JOINS for the National Congress, in the day 1 of December of 2010, in way to the projects that regulated the exploration of the daily pay-salt..