Brazilian State

Public politics are collective goals conscientes' '. 2 Description? The evolution of the Public Administration in Brazil to understand the evolution of the Public Administration and of construction of the administrative machine, becomes necessary a historical briefing, that if it initiates in the year of 1821. The picture below illustrates the forms of the society, state, regimen politician and classrooms of controllers, divided for periods, in Brazil. Of this form the process of development of the Brazilian State can be understood. Picture 1: Process of development of the State.

Source: Bresser, 2008. In the first phase, that corresponds to the period since the beginning of Brazil Empire until the beginning of the New State, the Brazilian State had a regimen oligarchical politician where the power was trusted to a restricted number of people. The country was governed in function of the interests of who withheld the power and in detriment of the interests of the collective. The division of classrooms existed, where the birth finished which classroom the people belonged. The administration was patrimonialista.

In the patrimonialismo, the device of the State functions as extension of the sovereign power, and its assistant, servers, possess status of real nobility. … In consequence, corruption and the nepotism is inherent to this type of administration. (YOU MARK, 2008, p.34). The bureaucratic public administration, inhaled in the weberiano model appears as form to fight the corruption and the nepotism of the previous model. Its orienting principles are the impessoalidade, the formalism, the functional hierarchy, the idea of public career and the professionalization. The spite of this, in that period, the administrative machine was turned toward same itself, leaving to the part its main objective that is to take care of the yearnings of the society, becoming inefficient. For You mark (2008), in the bureaucratic public administration, the State limited to keep it the order and to manage justice, to guarantee contracts and the property.

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