News From The Fields

I love to watch the news on TV. Going back to work after a hard day, winding on tax inspections and other organs of state power, turn on the TV, you open a bottle of beer, and remembering their today’s ordeal, look, listen to all these stories of victory, reminiscent of stagnation “News from the fields of our country,” and just can not get enough of his good fortune of living in this wonderful country. But then begin to figure it all their lives. And it turns out … It is bad in general, it turns out …

When you see news of the day sometimes, one wonders: where live the people who tell us about events in our country? When For example, I hear about the average wage in Russia, sometimes I just can not understand what they are saying? What are 35-40 thousand? When people are unable to find work for which they would pay a measly 7-10 thousand Or is it about Moscow? But in this case and we must speak about the country called Moscow, and not about a country that proudly called Russia. I do not know how to them in Russia, about which they tell us, as we have in our economy obviously Russia is developing in some other laws. I do not know why all this is done. Perhaps to calm the population? But everyone I asked about it, our news cause only a dull irritation. Or are we just afraid to tell the truth? I do not know .

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