Tag Archive: education

Individuals Health

(Catrib, 2003). The permanent education is decisive for organization of the completeness of the attention and development of the humanizao in the practical ones of health, this politics has as principle the joint between education and work in the SUS, to become more resistant the net of services and its teams, to carry through attention the social necessities of health. Bringing for our reality we perceive more strong than ideas as this, fortifies the model of attention directed toward the prevention and promotion of the health, where they are by means of these professionals in contact with the local population can intuir the health necessities, and to provide to educative actions or popular education that it makes possible autonomy of the citizen. It has an emphasis them institutions to work the intersetorialidade with other agencies that some inclusion with the health has, for the implementation of politics here you publish healthful the population. (S.L.Filgueiras; S.F.Deslandes. 1999). It has also a problematic one extracted of this research as the scarce communicative interaction enters the professionals of the team of health, which had difference of involved wisdom in a picture to multidiscipline, the communication little happens between the same ones, the individuals that intellectual incapacity has low if they feel distrustful to argue certain problems with that they have greater knowledge, but for another angle, it is since with the training and qualification of the same ones, carried through for the health secretariats, becoming currently more apt the activities of popular education. Where the doctors and nurses who act in the completeness of the assistance can talk with the patients who arrive until them in search of the attendance, or even though these professionals if to dislocate the visits domiciliary, to attempt against to understand the style of life of each user, being applied viable techniques for the problem of each one. .

Greek History

Crimea. Kafskaya Bay and Cape St. Elias. This area was the focus of this book for several reasons, primarily because its history is not sufficiently covered in the scientific research, but an integral history, from ancient times, linked with the history of the region in general was not given. And since the interpretation of the ancient history of Northern Black Sea coast in the stream to publish literature for the past 50 years have clearly helpless and primitive character, rather than directing how disorienting the reader, we can assume that the Bible Kafa "- this book is not about Kafskoy terrain and the history of ancient civilization Northern Black Sea, History of Kafa same – only the opportunity to give a picture of its development. The author decided to shoot one shot two birds with one stone.

When people talk about Kafskoy areas, first of all, represent a vast Feodosiya Bay, golden sands, stretched a broad band and the mountainous promontory terminating in the sea as well – located almost next to Silent Creek, Karadag, whose picturesqueness not need advertising. Also, all recall remains of the medieval Kafa and that once there was an ancient Greek city, from which nothing can survive. In addition to individual stones with antique rustic caught the owners of private houses from places unknown to science. The latter suggests that in some places still remain undetected traces of those times. But to see such remnants "of Hellenic life" can only be tenacious eye expert who knows what "rustication" and that for household needs in their yards locals can lead neafishiruemye "development" of prismotrennoy of ancient masonry. .

French Canadians

In Canada, especially in Quebec, French language in their state is diglossia. This means that there are two forms of language – literary and colloquial, which together make up the Canadian version French. Literary form has some differences from the standard language adopted in France. So, literary French in Canada is opposed to an appropriate form of language that exists in France, as well as colloquial French (), adopted in Canada itself. The main feature of diglossia Canadian French is the fact that his literary variant is under the influence colloquial French, and under the influence of a second official language of Canada – English. Formed a specific variant of Canadian French was a prerequisite to ensure that Canadian French began aware of itself a separate nation, which suffers its own culture and language, symbolizing its identity.

Accordingly, the French used in Canada, can be attributed to the so-called national language version, exists along with its other territorial variations taking place in the world. Diglossia French Canadian language is a set of linguistic forms, among which there are no clear distinctions in using simple conversational forms and literary language. Educated French Canadians use in their speech elements of colloquial language, while the elements of literary forms that are used when talking to , considered, at least, irrelevant. If we consider the social aspect, the literary form of the French Canadian language prevalent among the local intelligentsia, the business community and government agencies. also became widespread among the inhabitants of rural areas and ordinary citizens.

Explicit Grammar

This grammar if centers in the concept of ' ' diferente' ' in opposition to ' ' erro' ' determined for the normative grammar. Therefore the objective descriptive grammar to explain the functioning of the language. Internalizada grammar: based in the concepts of the Descriptive Grammar it considers that all falante it dominates the basic rules of ngua having them in the head for being inserted in a social group. Implicit grammar: it deals with the internalizada ability of the falante, it possesss unconsciously and it uses of automatic form when it needs if to communicate. Explicit grammar: the based linguistic studies are all in metalingstica, explicitam its constitution, structure and functioning. In such a way it can be understood as an explanation of the mechanism dominated for the falante and that it makes possible to it to use the language. Reflexiva grammar: they are the activities of comment and reflection on the language, search to detect, to raise its units, rules and principles, that is, the constitution and functioning of the language.

Grammar Constrastiva or Transferencial: it is the one that describes two languages at the same time, showing as the standards of one can be waited in the other. General grammar: it is the one that compares the biggest possible number of languages, with the end to recognize all the realizable linguistic facts and the conditions where they will be become fullfilled. Universal grammar: it is a grammar of comparative base that it looks to describe and to classify all the facts observed and carried through universally. Historical grammar: it studies a sequence of evolutivas phrases of a language. It deals with the origin and evolution of a language, following the phrases since its appearance until the current moment. Comparative grammar: it is that it studies a sequence of evolutivas phrases of some languages, normally searching to find points in common.


As Cury (2001) to improve the Brazilian education is necessary that it has an effort of all the society to construct to the education quality that is a basic right of each citizen, proclaimed in our Constitution as the first one of the social rights. In accordance with Gentili (2002, p176) in the educational field ' ' a new speech of the quality must be inserted in the radical democratization of the right to educao' '. To admit that in a fully democratic society, it does not fit to exist contradiction enters the access to the school and the offered type of education in this school. Still in Gentili (2002, p.176) it affirms that: As well as it does not have democratization without equality in the access, neither it will have without equality in the quality received for all the citizens and without definitive abolition of any type of differentiation or social segmentation. For the author (2002), this does not mean to lower the level of all, in contrast, means to raise the quality of the education not simply and transforming it into a right and into a vendida merchandise what to give the best one offers. Therefore it is in the space of the public school that this right is exercised and not in the market.

The quality alone will be possible if not to exist the social dualizao. Quality does not exist when it is discriminated, when the maiorias are submitted to the misery and condemned to the marginality, when the right to the citizenship is refused more than the two teros of the population. For Gentili (2002, P. 177) ' ' quality for few is not quality, is privilgio' '. Our great challenge is in constructing a society for all, eliminating the excluded ones so that all can enjoy of the right to an extremely democratic education.

Intersecretarias Commission

The Real Implantation At the beginning of the year of 2004 organized the Work group, with objective to argue with the pertaining to school community, the elaboration of the proposal of implantation of Integrated Average Ensino in the State of the Mato Grosso. During the elaboration of the project he was determined offers of the Courses in the cities of High Forest, Sinop, Bar of the Garas and Rondonpolis. Being that the lessons would have to happen in the State Schools of the SEDUC, located next to the CEPROTEC. In 2005, continuation accomplishes of the Work group of Integrated Average Education, and consolidated it creation of the Intersecretarias Commission for Integrated Average Ensino. After many quarrels were defined the attributions of the involved agencies, in the project of Average Ensino Integrated. In 2006 the Meeting of Mobilization in each pertaining to school community was carried through and was still become fullfilled, the qualification of the members of the Intersecretarias Commission for the MEC, with the subjects: Average education Integrated to the Professional Education, Curricular Proposal Pedagogical, Lines of direction and Evaluation for ability. In February of 2007 it had the retaken one of the Work group of Integrated Average Ensino.

The qualification of the team was carried through technique and involved professors in the requested project and the credenciamento and authorization for offer of the courses next to the State Advice of Education. In April each group gave itself to beginning to the lessons with 05 (five) groups with 35 pupils. Being in a group in High Forest a group in the Course Technician in Computer science in the State School Furlani Victory of the Riva School and a group in the Course Technician in Administration in Small Country properties in the School Green Gold. In Sinop a group of Technician in Computer science in the State School Edeli Mantovani, Rondonpolis a group in the Course Technician in Computer science in the State School Pindorama and Bar of the Garas a group in the Course Technician in Computer science, the State School Heronides Arajo.

Secretariat Evaluation

Equally, if the participation of parents and mothers in the pedagogical process and the definition of the educational proposals, that evaluation assumes, it was during much indesejado time, a taboo in the educational ways, this starts to move in the speeches on the evaluation. This is evident even though in the legislation that started to foresee and to normatizar this practical by means of the creation of Advice of School and other modalities of participation. Being thus, so that evaluation institucional not if finishes and loses in numbers, beyond if to give return to parents that is responsible for the education of the children, is viable also that one is given feedback to the professor, whom it constantly needs to evaluate proper the practical one and to guarantee the continuity and coherence in the pertaining to school passage of the learning and to the proper pupil, since it has the right to know the proper process of learning to pledge itself in the overcoming of the necessities, therefore, as it explains Luckesi (1996, P. 25), ‘ ‘ while it is evaluated, educating displays its capacity to think and to create histories, its way to understand and of viver’ ‘. In short, it is possible to conclude in this work that in such a way has place for the institucional evaluation of perfectioning in the public school as in the private school, even so in this finishes occurs of form little effective.

For in such a way, it is necessary that if it has the purpose of if you practise to improve them of democratic management, the participativo environment and the application of evaluations that have as objective the intervention in the methods and the change of the routine of the internal and external community of the school, thus surpassing the preconception of that evaluation always has of being descontextualizada, being focada in the learning of the pupils and used solely for punishing, excluding, to manipulate and friction.

Blame Terms Despite Study

2. If used data mining techniques are not widely available, it should describe them and give the necessary references. 3. Secondary analysis of subgroups is acceptable, but must be specified in the report of the study, concealment of this fact is unacceptable. 4. In the section of the report devoted to discussion of the results, should indicate the possible systematic errors and the measures taken to address them at the planning stage of the study and interpretation of results. 3. Blame Terms Despite continuing disagreements the question of authorship and collaboration in research and publications, it is generally accepted that the author should take responsibility for the data obtained on at least one of the stages of research.

Practical steps 1. In the first place list of authors should be persons who have made a decisive contribution to the planning, organizing and conducting research, data analysis and report writing, rather than fulfill a, collect data, and other mechanical work. If you can not prove a person involved in any phase of the study, the fact of authorship can not be considered proven. 2. To avoid any misunderstanding on this issue, it is useful at the beginning of the study agree on which one of the researchers will be included in the lists of authors and performers, and who will simply expressed appreciation. 3. All authors must take responsibility for the content of the publication. This condition may be difficult if the study involved specialists in various fields, in such publications should indicate the individual contribution of each author.

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