There are people who perceive the present policy of Georgia as a whole positively, believing that the country's leadership has made the right choice, implicitly embedded in a global framework of the United States as important (even if nothing does not itself decisive) of the element. For these people the great story of Georgia ended in 1783 – at the time of signing the Treaty of St. George with Russia, but in 1991 when, as is commonly believed, Cold War ended, a new story – the story of prosperity in a geographically remote U.S. state of … So, those who evaluate the events in this way and those who believe today's Georgia 'beacon of democracy ', there is no point in wasting time reading this article. I would appeal to the people, above all his compatriots, who have more traditional views on politics and history of our long-suffering country.
Perhaps in anyone have any doubts – and how many you can do for their country, while in political exile? One person taken separately exile, hardly. But in our case it is not about one person and not a few thousand immigrants. Just think, because today outside of Georgia – in Western Europe, USA, Middle East, but the b? Lshey part of Russia – the lives of over half a million of its citizens (not only ethnic Georgians, but the Abkhazians and Ossetians, Russian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Jews, Greeks, Kurds, members of other living Georgia, ethnic groups), or 30% of the total population of Georgia! Over the millennia-old history of our country had everything: us tens or hundreds of thousands of were driven into captivity, our women and children sold into slavery, 1918-1921's a few thousand of our compatriots were forced to leave their homeland for political reasons.