The Respect To If Same And The Achievement Of Goals

Many people consider the respect only as having good relations with other persons, this is valid and successful, but there are other important aspects that should be analyzed such as: the order, cleanliness and respect of the word. The words have enormous power if we use them properly, i.e. we must get to our mind that what affirm has value, for example, if you say that you speak to a friend at ten in the morning, you must do so, otherwise it is not respecting, is falling in indiscipline and worst of all is that your mind will understand that his word has no value and then begins to lose control of her life. Achieving goals requires permanent commitments, accustom the mind to comply with, to the extent that we will remain disciplined then the universe us rewarded with what we want. Life is a set of habits, to the extent that make use of good habits then everything has to change in our lives, we will gradually overcoming tests to reach the levels of development that we wish. In the book I am happy, I am Rico of Andrew Corentt shows us how a positive or negative idea takes power in our lives, in the case of irresponsibility, if we do not change radically then all the forces of the universe will act to keep the mental programming, through reading this book you will learn techniques for implanting new beliefs that allow you to overcome the paradigms that bind it in your subconscious mind to not achieve what you want and start a new life full of successes. It is important to get used to compliance, make that our word has weight, which means complying with the things that we have proposed, in that sense before taking any commitment is necessary to reflect whether we are willing to carry out that work, we feel comfortable, we will have the time to do it, etc. James Donovan Goldman recognizes the significance of this. .

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