The Power Of The Congruence

Congruence between what we say, think and do is essential for the achievement of the goals and objectives in our lives. When what you say does not agree with what you are doing you lose power, you lose credibility. When that ask the universe with your words this marred by what you think really inside of you, things you wish you were not. Consistency between what you say with your words, you think in your mind and do in the real world when you act, becomes a powerful beam which crosses a Prism and light the flame of the manifestation in the pages of your life, only when the three points and are aligned towards one place, toward a common goal. On one occasion I was with a friend, and asked that he thought about women and quickly answered me: the women? They are all about witches, this friend even though you try having a partner and do many positive statements cost you much have a harmonious and healthy relationship with someone who thinks that she is a witch in her unconscious! You can imagine! , I likewise heard in countless of opportunities to very close friends asking the universe the love of their lives, but when they provoke them, openly manifest men are about dogs, or are animals, so verbatim, then as the universe will conspire to the achievement of love with such unconscious thoughts dancing in mind and in your heart? Likewise happens to money and financial success, the person who fails to rise above what investigationg survival level, is often by that inside the thoughts about money are opposite and contradictory with your beliefs and values more profound. That to do then? If you would like to achieve consistency in mind, words and action? Definitely with the self-observation.

Faculty that we have human beings to act as silent witnesses of our thoughts, words and actions. He begins to observe your thoughts on an issue of vital importance for you. record them in a journal, above all those subtle, those that are constantly bombarding your psyche and that both run, run not even you realize that they exist, but they will undermine your ability to achieve your goals, those thoughts which, it is worth comparing, are like a noisy air-conditioning, you get used to the noise and do you think that does not exist, but the noise is there, interfering in your dream. The self-observation allows us to put a stop to those ideas that fall incessantly dripping on our mind and allows us to keep the boat headed to fruition. Self-observation allows us to take actions and measures to heal the internal and external contradictions. The observation car you can practise it through meditation. But better still, observe you constantly hear you when you speak, observe your thoughts, observes your actions, and accurate if there is congruence between what you ask to the universe and what you do and say.

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