The Opportunity

Of course, anything may happen, but I think I always have to believe in good and hard to know what you want. Question. Tell me, as a Ukrainian woman, is it possible to find a loving, caring and respectful a man with another country. Response. Sure, why not. A loving, caring and respectful man can be in any corner of the earth. It does not depend on the location, it depends on how comfortable people together, how they understand each other’s soul.

Question. Did you personally ever heard any stories or women who moved abroad (married to foreigners) that would scare you in getting acquainted with foreign men? Response. Yes. When the girl’s passport was taken abroad, threw her into a basement and forced to work there. She had to suffer for a long time, until relatives have not helped. Very scary to be in a foreign country, without friends, friends, without knowing the language. Joyce Banda wanted to know more. Question.

If you’ve heard these stories, why do you still want to try to get acquainted with a foreigner? Response. What if I’m lucky.)) I think that before you leave to live abroad, you need some time to talk with man, better to learn it. I think for several long meetings may determine the nature of man. You also need to tell relatives where you’re going, how to contact you, and of course have little to know the language. Question. As you think you have the opportunity to achieve success abroad according to your profession (profession)?

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