So, in any language, I encourage you to write articles for the promotion of their products or services over the Internet.Some tips before you start writing your article.Although the marketing of articles may not work in your case, certainly worth trying, because the possibilities that it works and give you great benefits are a lot greater than the of that will fail.Here are some initial suggestions: 1. When you choose a title, make it unique, that you have not used previously. To do this, when you have chosen it, go to Google and put it between quotation marks in the Search box. Are you interested in the result will be 0? (zero). So, when you submit your article to directories, you can continue if you appear indexed in search engines and how many different web pages.2 Write about something that you know, to write with more comfort and knowing of what writes. It is important to practice the vocabulary used in that specific market niche. Anyway, this Council is not something that should continue to strictly. The Internet is characterized precisely by offering an unapproachable amount of information, which we can use to compile a very decent article, although we may not be what is said experts in the field.3.
As regards style, best thing is to write with clarity, agile manner, that is easy to read. Perhaps with a certain conversational tone, but without exaggeration. Thus, as I am writing this little book. I imagine him in front of me, having a conversation about the marketing of articles. Because Like this. Type as you speak, at least to write a first draft. I assure you that you will have fun and not spend hours in front of a paper blank or a blank computer screen.4 Keep in mind that it is not writing a book.