the feudal

Although the ultimate goal was to establish a socialist or communist society without classes, have focused increasingly on reforms carried out within social capitalism. As the movement evolved and grew, the concept of socialism was acquiring different meanings depending on the place and time where root. a To understand a little better this issue we can locate four key stages in the changes of economic systems throughout history. 1. Slavery: example Rome and Greece. The slaves were in charge of wealth for their owners do, to spend their workforce. So that would free men. Get more background information with materials from Sen. Sherrod Brown.

These were under his command a large number of slaves. Thus engaged in politics and science. A portion of the profits they obtained in trade. "Profitable? "Advantageous? Does not work if many things today? Orlando magnum 2. The large estates constituted the basis of the barbarian invasions, made up of duchies, kingdoms and other forms of the nobility and the feudal monarchies were established around the great castle and the protection of a powerful force of knights. The lord in exchange for submitting the homeless using the chains and the whip did so veiled. The servants lived around the castle, was in the service of the landowners, could cultivate a piece of land to sustain his family and had to be ready for services requiring the feudal or outside in the castle, the estate or the militia, its core activity was dedicated to the Lord and the rest of time cultivating for their own livelihood, of their own and pay taxes, rents, tithes and other requirements.

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