The Federal Constitution

P. 323). The pupil with necessary intellectual deficiency to be analyzed as somebody that possesss a conditional development for multiples determinative, gifts in one determined historical moment, established for social, economic, cultural factors and politicians. In the boarding partner-pisicolgica, the deficiency starts to be the impulsionadora force for the learning process and development of the deficient intellectual. The education of this must, to be based on the fact of that simultaneously with the deficiency the compensation possibilities are given to win ' ' defeito' ' of that they present in first plan in the development of the child and must be enclosed in the educational process. ' ' To structuralize the educative process all according to line of the natural trends to the super compensation, means not to attenuate the difficulties that appear of the defect, seno that to intend all the forces for its compensation, to only present the tasks in an order that they ahead answer to the gradual character of the process of formation of all the personality of a new point of vista' ' (VIGOTSKY, 1997, P. 32-33). The deficient intellectual, must then, to be educated in society and for the society.

But, as to include? 5. The inclusive school and its possibilities The challenge of the inclusion is rank, therefore it is not enough to place this child in the classroom, has diverse factors that they become possible this inclusion, and these need to walk together with all pertaining to school team. The Federal Constitution of 1988, aims at to guarantee to all, equalities of conditions for the access and permanence in the school. Art.205. Aeducao, right of all and to have of the State and the family, will be promoted and stimulated with the contribution of the Society, aiming at to the full development of the person, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work (FEDERAL CONSTITUTION, 1988) Independent, of being carrying of deficiency or not, it had inciativa so that this inclusive integration happened.

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