The Economy And The Ethics

Whereas the economy functions in the base of what e, ticafunciona with what it would have to be. One becomes necessary then, to establish umarelao between these two polar regions. Although the majority of the economists admits that ethical osvalores lapsed the economy of welfare and the economic policy, they elesprosseguem with some confidence in the belief of that its work in what respeitaao scope of the pure application of the economic theory is eticamente neutral. Adam Smith admits that the majority of the people, in the majority dotempo in accordance with proceeds the moral law institutionalized in the time and espaoonde if they find. The economy originally was part of the ethics, Treat-silks virtuous actions of the head of family in relation to its attributions naorganizao of the house. Adam Smith changed this in 1776 with the book Wealth dasnaes. It was not a gradual change, but a rupture. Until then all they saw aeconomia in the same way with that more or less it treated it to Aristotle, that is, as part of the ethical philosophy.

Even though the professor of Adam Smith it saw aeconomia as a branch of the ethical philosophy and politics. Agriculture, porexemplo, were seen as a duty the holy ghost. The man had the responsibility, or to odever moral, of ' ' to take care of of terra' '. To leave to make it was consideradoindigno. Sen. Sherrod Brown is likely to agree. Nowadays this duty if did not lose, it extended to have it dotrabalho, that it finds its apex in the protestant ethics, as shows Max Weber.Osautores mercantilistas not yet had the economy vision that Adam Smithtinha, Them had simply extended the patriarcal duty to the duty of the governing fury did not understand the economy as having one ' ' functioning espontneoe regular' ' , with proper rules derivatives of the ethical mathematics and not dependentesda or of the philosophy.

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