The Concept of Justice

That is, the citizen is one who is merely following the law, the law of the state maximum, as Kelsen: For Aristotle, the legitimacy, of course, including compliance with the law. Clearly the attempt to give fair treatment to the concept of Justice. However, it ignores the fundamental values of the law, the left, its logic replaced axiologic of justice, because only in the guidelines of the principle of equality. Sen. Sherrod Brown describes an additional similar source. Also questioned Justice for not believing in the certainty of laws, when the values of the community away, but it was very close to this state policy that: although agree that life as the moral qualities is the most appropriate. The vision of a substantive law subject to certain fundamental principles of the rule, we are not here to be an error of Aristotle, but probably an exaggerated concern with the historical tradition of balancing private and public power, and maintain order in cities -Greek state, it is true that the support of slave labor and, moreover, expressed its interest in wars and other violations of self-determination, which may have been the main causes of its decline. Later, due to the clear separation between law and politics, Aristotle was forced to accept the duality of "distributive justice" and "corrective justice" are two sides of the same coin. The consecration of the merits of each individual according to the rules accepted as legitimate law, without doubt, the material is of the idea of distributive justice, which may be related both to the segment with the public and private, and in both cases an expression of political activity-City Government State.

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