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Flow Chart Data

These enable that business management systems may be segmented by modules, each of them with a specific and programmed functions with the most suitable languages for their work. When any of these modules need some data from other, requests a service that provides the requested. The following links show different forms and examples for application services and answers: SOA SOAP service Web XML Middleware one of the great challenges of computer systems today, that necessarily has to be performed through management tools, boils down to: the great challenge of the beginnings of the 21st century computing is able to interact or share information with any fixed or movable elementgreat speed and be able to make decisions on Edge and without human intervention. Entering data in computer systems contribute US value to the product. Also the management can avail of other management tools, for example, the legacy by Edwards Deming, where as tecnociencia.es, reminds us the Japanese then collected a few techniques or tools which could be used easily by anyone in the Organization: data collection, record or verification sheet sheet: tool used for collecting orderly and structured relevant data that is generated in the processes. The data collected with this instrument tend to be used later for the development of other tools. Diagram of flow (Flow Chart): is a graphical representation of the steps in a process.

It is a very useful instrument to represent sequences of complex steps. Its objective is to determine the actual performance of a process to produce a result, this may be a product, a service, information, or a combination of all three. Histogram: Is a bar chart of showing visually the frequency distribution of a variable quantitative data. In the horizontal axis represent classes or features and the ordinate the frequency. Histograms are often drawn up by sheets of collection of data. Diagram of correlation or scatter: graph showing the existence or not of a relationship between two variables.

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