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Schengen Visa

June 14, 1985 was signed the Schengen Agreement provides for the gradual abolition of border controls at their common borders between the member countries of the contract. Originally the contract was signed Belgium, Germany, France, Netherlands and Luxembourg. Learn more at this site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Later he was joined by Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Finland. The agreement was called 'Schengen' on behalf of the city where it was the Schengen concluded, the participating States and became known as the Schengen countries. This agreement was of great importance not only for citizens of member countries, but also for everyone else, because after its entry into force no longer need to design a set of visas for travel to Europe.

For example, if you have a Schengen visa to Germany, to travel from Germany to France or Italy, you no longer need to apply for a visa at the French or Italian Embassy. You can with a visa to Germany freely across borders of participating countries the Schengen agreement. However, in obtaining a Schengen visa there are a number of visa restrictions, which is useful to remember. Click here: the source for more info. Firstly, the visa should be requested at the embassy of the country, which is the main host country. Second, enter the Schengen area is desirable in the country which issued the visa to you. Transit is permitted but at the same time be prepared to answer questions about the purpose of border guards and the route of travel. Established uniform requirements for obtaining a Schengen visa for temporary entry (90 days), the applicant must have a valid passport, expiry date, at least 3 months duration should overlap the planned trip, to have documents confirming the purpose and nature of the trip (business invitation, the original invitation of an individual, travel voucher, etc. certified (legalized) in an area of the country where the act or the inviting party) to have documents confirming the purpose and nature of the trip (business invitation, the original invitation individual, a travel voucher, etc. certified (legalized) in an area of the country where the act or the inviting party) have sufficient financial means to stay (out of 100 U.S. $ per day) and to return to their country of citizenship or a third country where he is guaranteed entry (tickets or confirmation of their reservation) or be able to get the money legally way, have the appropriate international health insurance certificate (insurance policy must be valid for all countries of the Schengen area) do not appear on a list of persons whose entry into the country areas closed and do not pose a danger to public order or national security or international relations of the participating countries; fill in the questionnaire, most of the issues which are common to all Schengen states.

Kiev Bratslav

However, Poland could not weakened confront Turkey, and the world Buchachskomu 1672 gave the Turks a significant part of Podolsk, Kiev Bratslav and provinces. In 1686 Poland regained the land. All XVIII century right bank shake Cossack and peasant uprising. In 1702-1704 years the rebels under the command of Colonel Semen Paliy Fastovsky completely cleared from the gentry and skirts Bratslavschinu. A well-known peasant war of 1768 – Koliivshchina. On the second partition of Poland (1793) Bratslavschina skirts and passed to Russia and formed Podolia. In the western part of the province included Podolia province, in eastern – Bratslav.

Vineyard became the provincial town, but later transferred to the state district of the city (the administrative center of the province was Kamenetz). In 1798, the city introduced "city regulations." In 1860 the winery is home to 10 thousand inhabitants, there were 5 schools, hospital, theater, and 190 stores. An important stimulus to the development of Vinnitsa is the building in 1870 near the city railway Kiev-Odessa-Balta, through which much improved communication with Kiev, Odessa, Moscow, St. Petersburg. Over the past 40 years of the XIX century Vinnitsa increased in three and a half times, and on turnover came in first place in Podolia.

Since 1914 Vinnitsa – the administrative center of Podolia. October 28, 1917 in Vinnitsa, an armed uprising, as a result of whose power in the city went to the revolutionary committee of workers and soldiers. Later during the Civil War, the power in the city repeatedly passed from hand to hand. In the city some time to work Government of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Finally, the Soviet authorities in the winery was established in 1920. In 1923, Vinnytsia became the county seat, and since 1932 the administrative center of Vinnitsa region. After the start Great Patriotic War, thousands of vinnichan went to the front. To combat with the enemy saboteurs and safety of industrial facilities has been created destroyer battalions.

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