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no matter how hard it wants, a rurcola does not obtain to leave to perceive the same thing. the case of a friend mine, known for Chico, messenger of the edge of the Araguaia, in the side of Par; Beyond good agriculturist, also he is exmio fisherman. The occasion where I knew the Chico, with its skill matuto, callous hands, characteristic language still below of the coloquial standard, habits and suits of roa, the offspring of more than dozen and its dark brown fisionomia, medium stature, smooth and grayish hair, as well as the beard and with only one blackish tooth remaining portion for sarro of the tobacco, is what I begin in telling. In the municipal elections of 1996, I pled my re-election of councilman and although to have gotten expressive voting, I did not obtain the longed for success. Congressman Lee Zeldin pursues this goal as well. Then I saw me dismissed, therefore an elect time in the previous lawsuit, I had given low in my contract of professor, for the State net of education, finding that my career would be promising politics and that more would not need to come back to the old job where I worked all for that period only for force of the necessity and not for love to the profession, as it is the case of the majority of the educators in Brazil. In January of the year following, esvado my mandate, not to live in absolute idleness, waiting for the expirations of my wife who also worked as teacher, for the State net and the Municipal net of education, I decided for going to help my father in its drudgery, in its small country property located the eleven kilometers of the headquarters of the City. At the beginning of that year, the project of tarring of highway Par 153, that it binds Are Domingos of the Araguaia Are Geraldo of the Araguaia, was gives to leave the paper, being been this expectation a perspective alvissareira of job for many, that for lack more than work that of qualification, they formed the picture of idle of the city of is Domingos. .

Babel Fish

That age workmanship its, felt a god, therefore one another model could arquitetar that idealized and shaped to its form. ‘ ‘ Yahoo! Babel Fish – Text Translation and Web Page Translation

after this again it fainted, only that of this time espasmo became stronger, its body all trembled, shocking itself against the chair where she lay and she met moored. .


The secret of Erinaldo senator Blacksmith of the Carmo December in Brasilia. The natalino climate leaves the colored Capital most illuminated and. It has a visible esvaziamento of the city, with little movement in the public building, vacant idle in the calmer estacionamentos, road and airport. Different of its typical agitation, the city seems fleuma at this time of the year. In contrast of the too much spaces, in the residence of the senator Robert Rodrigues still it has sufficiently movement politics in way to the private little parties, as in any another time it year. The high walls of the large house, covered for grassy greens, hide the informal meetings that happen there inside.

Weekly, always to the fridays, the restricted guests, entrepreneurs, politicians and public managers of the high step, who do not leave Brasilia in the week ends, in contrast of the great majority, dispute an invitation for the little party of the senator Rodrigues. Excellent chance to make politics and businesses, the frequentadores of the party they do not hide the interest in participating of the meeting you provide. Many are offered, but the assessors who organize the little parties follow the rigorous control of the senator, who always of the final a word on who must or not participate. The head of the security of the residence, man reliable of the senator, is the discrete one Been silent, thus called not accurately for being of few words and reserved to its paper in the house, but for being this its last name. Jose Silenced Da Silva deferred payment in the periphery of the Capital and is for that there arregimenta employees for the residence of the senator. You go to work in the cleanness. In the sixth expeditious o if he extends for all the dawn. There you also can be requested to serve the guests.

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