Tag Archive: paradise

Brazilian Amazon

I’ve been reviewing library and among many others I have found these two books where the authors used El Dorado as synonym of paradise, as characterizer concept associated with the mystery, adventure and the wonderful wealth (not necessarily and only in terms of the legendary gold) that hides in the Venezuelan and Brazilian Amazon region. On the one hand, in his book the loss of the gilding V. S. Naipul, (which is a writer who I love, much more in this type of books than in his novels), rather than pointing a historico-romantica view of the matter. From the perspective of their own nature and origin: Trinitarian descendant of immigrants from the India, also committed in this, as it is evident in many of his books, in a search for the own identity, a way to exit their cultural isolation of a society and a history that fails to endorse, presents a historical relationship tinged with reflection on the inevitable and consistent connection between the island of Trinidad and the search for the hypothetical Kingdom of El Dorado that off the coast of his native land he was hiding in the thicket of the jungles of Venezuela and makes us a detailed statement of all changes, movements and also anecdotal and historical events that marked the existence and development of the island of Trinidad as a bridgehead, opposite the mouth of the Orinoco River, and its importance as a strategic starting point for any venture the search for the mythical and wonderful Kingdom of gold-oriented. Under the guidance of Naipul we learned of changes of hands suffered Trinidad from the Spanish conquerors and original settlers, to the English; of the failed attempts of Spaniards to recover it and the calamities of the colonists (of one and another side) during this unstable period; of the plight of villagers autochthonous of the island in the middle of this drama and the skirmish for control of territory and political and military power between the same settlers; relations that settled with the first pro-independence revolutionaries of Venezuela and (how not?) of the crazy and amazing adventure of Raleigh in his fanciful conviction of possessing the secret of the mythical Kingdom and his desperate need to find it because if not find him and dominated, if not he took possession of his immense wealth should go back to England to be executed.

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