Intercept Telephone
In good Castilian Chuponeo, intercept telephone, is a medium which employ some people engaged in espionage commercial, political, thanks to which achieved with special devices, listen to the private conversations of the cell phones of politicians, artists, public authorities, etc. Telephone interception has shot down even Governments, parties politicians, to post to expose the trickery of entrepreneurs, bribes, corruption, in all parts of the world. Recently have been disseminated in the media many audios on alleged bribes obtained through telephone eavesdropping illegal (known as chuponeo in our country) is. Although they may uncover corruption, are not legal. They go against the Constitution and are punishable legally, though with much reduced sanctions because infringe on privacy and the privacy of individuals. In Peru, however, public opinion thinks different from what point to the laws.
The If you agree, that corruption will uncover both in Governments, such as that involving politicians, much more those who are candidates public opinion. The population feels that these liberalizations, allows them to know, who’s who in the country. Many politicians who are decades in power, as parliamentarians, because as mayors, shown before the people, hypocrites, Liars, with boring speeches of plazuela, but, one day .a recorded audio of his telephone conversation with another ruffian, is presented on television and just his political life. In cases is stopped as happened with Romulo Leon Alegria, former Minister, in others only receives national repudiation, as she is happening with the Dra Lourdes Flores Nano in Peru. But not everything is lost, there is solution so that UD not as chuponeen, so that not exposed it publicly. Now an application to prevent the chuponeo of cell phones first arrives at our country an application that allows to encrypt calls between cell phones and allow one 100% secure communication. The product is called Cellcript Mobile and is available for Blackberry computers, satellite, standard models of Nokia phones and will soon be available for teams iPhone and Android system.