Ernesto Cardenal, the Nicaraguan Bishop, which by the 1970s endeavored, in full sandinista revolution, Marxism is science and religion is faith, both are not mutually exclusive, they are complementary, it was not understood vastly, by the student of that time movement, dazzled by Marxism and its noble objectives, however played an important point and force, as history of this relationship between science and faithhas been winding between conflict and dialogue that has the paradigma, the Galileo case, studied, reviewed, and passed today, science is a conquest of the name, is a conquest of humanity through history, science is not atheist by nature, or antagonist of faith universities, insofar as they are the Centre of Sciences, are night clubswhere knowledge is created when he investigates, where knowledge is transmitted when he teaches and transforms when it is projected to the society. These concepts, perhaps allow understand evolution and the relationship of the University movement with the Church, in the 1970s, the ordinary was to take the churches, as a way to call the atencion, maybe some remember, the shots of the Church San Agustin and the very same Cathedral in 1972, both ended in a brutal massacre of students within the same sacred enclosures, as was the case at the national level; the relation of universities with the Church was weak with the passage of the years was becoming frequent. See Archbishop Miguel Cabrejos, haciendo mass College yard, impartiendo communion massively at estudiantes and looking for help to a law student who had to be treated in Spain, was becoming evident the income of students to the different Apostolic movements of the Church, among many other facts, until these last days .where both parties in conflict of the UNT, where there are still obvious Socialist sympathies in some of them, request the mediation of the Church to put an end to a conflict that tiredness, pumps, or wounded, nor the congressmen, could resolve. This fact, good, happy, profitable for the University community and society itself, maximizing it, perhaps, reminds us that science and faith are complementary, regardless of the ideological pluralismo has to recognize that the role played by faith, humbly accompanying the man in search of the verdad and justice; the College estates must know which can be rebellious, can be revolutionary, being Christian, because for more than 2000 years Jesus raised the goal revolutionary form a new man, a new community, a new society, transforming the man, without violent midwives, without bloodshed, without Attila, without Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin without without. 21St century he knows that science, consciousness and belief are complementary and not mutually exclusive within the civilized development of the society.