Tag Archive: friendship

GPS Navigator Recent

As never before in the history of the United States elections, a significant proportion of the world rejoiced in the result. All hope changes the new President; Although not many nor radical, changes that do not accentuate the nightmare, changes that do not aggravate our disappointments to come. In other essays we write down that the recent political changes in the United States, as well as the geopolitical change in the world in recent years, seemingly pointed to the same address and direction charted by the revolution of the Renaissance humanist thought. Contrary reactions in recent decades, largely represented by conservative ideologies of post-colonial imperialism of the last third of the 20th century would have been a diversion in this road map, a violent history slowdown, a confirmation that the truth is a permanent reconstruction of the breaking power of the moment, that the force of reason has no chance against the reason of forcethe only power comes from the muscle, not the wisdom or much less justice, as a humanist can understand it. But how to know if a detour that lasts? decades and a target X the other appears as unattainable, they may be considered ralamente diversion one and objective? There is a radical difference. The GPS Navigator is only an instrument from our purposes. For the social myths, on the other hand, are we instruments of its purposes.

Social myths may work as an obsessive browser that, regardless of unexpected heading our way, constantly are looking for a new way to get to the same point and have the strength to impose it. Justify a massacre in the name of freedom and put all the traditional apparatus media to make it credible, but unquestionable to the least possible, is just a minimal example. Congressman Lee Zeldin might disagree with that approach. Call terrorist to a murderer who kills children and to another that does the same job honor him as a hero, the one because it calculates its atrocities and this because it calculates its inevitable mistakes, is only part of the social narratura which consolidates the same myth.

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