Tag Archive: Equipment

Main Directorate

JSC "149 mechanical plant", only in the metropolitan area of Lifting. The company also produces a unique metal that have been used, particularly in the construction of the Ice Palace and the Palace CSKA weightlifting. According to the plans of the Government of Moscow in 2010 in the capital should be built 31 new clinics, 18 hospitals, 222 kindergartens, 32 schools, 96 cultural sites and 171 Sports. Line Metro elongate up to 70 km, and the roads – 160 km. Enterprise that can successfully solve these challenges facing the city, and a 149 mechanical plant.

Manufacture of lifting equipment – a large and actual problem, not only for Moscow. In the capital, it is particularly acute, because the pace of construction of residential, office buildings and cultural facilities are very high. Further complicates the problem of wear and tear, such as overhead cranes, which are now used in Russia. It is more than 75%, so demand for them is huge. 149 mechanical plant, which produces just such cranes to quality is especially respectively. With its steel structure plant was known at that time was part of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense building industry. Now, after almost 60 years since the founding of the factory, he still famous throughout Russia. In recent years, the production company deservedly awarded the diplomas of all the specialized exhibitions held in Moscow. Of course, to the quality of equipment correspond to world standards, the plant had completely refresh processes and to engage seriously in the professional training.

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