Tag Archive: environment

Justice Pollution

The problem of the sonorous pollution gains contours of public problem that must deserve a more rigorous attention of the public agencies, in virtue of the serious ones and harmful consequences that they cause for the set of the society. In some countries the problem of the sonorous pollution already integrates the politics of public health in reason of the high index of deafness, mainly youthful. The sonorous pollution if of the one through the noise, that is the indesejado sound, being considered one of the forms most serious of aggression to the man and the environment. According to OMS – World-wide organization of the Health, the tolerable limit to the human ear is of 65 dB (a). Above from this, our organism suffers estresse, which increases the risk of illnesses.

With 85 noises above of dB (a) increases the risk of auditory comprometimento. Two factors are determinative to mensurar the amplitude of the sonorous pollution: the time of exposition and the level of the racket the one that if the person displays. The loss of the hearing, the effect most common associate to the noise excess, can be caused by some activities of the daily life. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Amazon. It has for example, loss of 30% of the hearing in that they use walkman, touch-ribbons or laser disk during two hours per day during two years in 80 levels next to dB (a). It is calculated that 10% of the population of the country possess auditory riots, being that, of this total, rubola is responsible for 20% of the cases. Currently, about 5% of the insnias they are caused by external factors, mainly noises. The cities are competent to fight this type of pollution as it taxing affirms a decision of the Court of Justice of the State of Rio De Janeiro, in verbis: TJRJ. Environment.

Sonorous pollution. Legislative ability. City. Local interest. Consideraes of the DES. Carlos Saints of Oliveira on the subject. CF/88, art. 30, I and II. In this particular one the ordinances must be detached that establishes rules on subject of local interest and searchs the suplementao of the federal legislation in what to fit, in the form of interpolated propositions I and II of article 30 of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988, mainly, with respect to the control of ambient pollution, including itself, for obvious, the sonorous pollution, must respect the federal normatizao produced by the competent entity, in casu, ABNT (..

Protecting Laguna San Rafael National Park

"Many ayseninos, who feel proud and aware of the importance of the natural environments of the Aysen Region, particularly its protected areas, want to know what government is doing not only to disseminate and promote the quality of the Lagoon National Park San Rafael, but primarily to protect its territorial integrity and ecosystem. " With these words, three members of the Regional Advisory Council of Protected Areas, Miriam Chible, Peter Hartmann and Patricio Segura, made public their views on the memorial that is being carried forward through the National Forestry Corporation (CONAF) and others government under 50 years of the publication on July 28, 1959 in the Official Journal of the decree creating it can be considered one of the territories under the stewardship of the country's most important official. His words suggest that "we are concerned that the words are relieving the importance of the park, calling it a global reserve freshwater, but in practice, in administrative acts, the Government in the region, notably its political authorities, was negligent in protecting such invaluable heritage. Not so Conaf public officials and others, who do their job with accuracy, which is unfortunately happened to carry by decisions beyond their control. " They recalled in this regard the decision of the Regional Environmental Commission (COREMA) that the March 13 approved (with the votes against the seremis Mining, Public Works and National Assets) an environmental impact statement for a grant of a salmon fattening center in Estero Elephants, on the north side of Glacier and in the navigation track to the lagoon. .


Which the ambient impacts suffered by this ecosystem in the beach from Good Trip (coastal pernambucano south) in recent years and its future perspectives?Recife of chorale, under the geomorflogico point of view, is a rocky, rigid, resistant structure the action of the waves and chains sea, and constituted of carrying marine organisms skeleton calcareous rock. However the reefs of chorales seriously are threatened. They is esteem that 27% of reefs of chorales in the coast of Pernambuco already had been degraded of irreversible form. In the rhythm current forecasts indicate a similar loss will occur in next the 30 years. The threat to sea biodiversity, occurs mainly when this ecosystem this being pointed as the first and bigger ecosystem to suffer significant impacts, provoked mainly for climatic changes. The phenomenon of branqueamento of the chorales deserves unquestionable attention, has as .causing the global heating, provoked for an increase of the temperature of the water, (above 280 C) increase of the photosyntheses and toxin release, causing the death and consequentemente a disequilibrium in this ecosystem.

Perhaps the progress proposal brought necessarily for Pernambuco in the South coast, the Port of Suape, Added to this engenhoca of the man came one of the biggest ambient crimes already seen in our state. With great ratios, it had visibly ambient disequilibrium with the destruction and I fill with earth of manguezais and dinamitao of a reef population of chorales. But if it was not still enough has other threats as: the disordered tourism, this then has been reason of concern to the ambient agencies. The impacts provoked for human uses it fishes as it predatory, the pollution, the indiscriminate diving, also speed up the degradation of this ecosystem. The reefs of chorales are to the base of the survival, species, also pelgicos, that ' ' they do not live in corais' ' , but they use its outskirts for reproduction.

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