Internet! And wants to continue to utter the famous line paraphrased the poet: ” how much of this word for the heart of each merged ” And if you think about it, this may not be a joke The number of users World Network of increasing daily. Over the past few years the Internet is so firmly entrenched in our lives, becoming an integral part of everyday reality that many do not present without any of his leisure time, nor, more professional work. And all this is totally random. The Internet gives us a tremendous amount of possibilities – from the “live” communication with people who are thousands of miles to the realization of business projects and finding real cash earnings. But with all this, the main advantage of the World Wide Web is the necessary information and exchange, and in this sense it is in advertising and laudatory odes not need it.
But on Internet as a means of providing professional information assistance, a kind of individual consultants say can and must. It’s no secret that from time to time life presents us with a need to address specific practical problems, and in this situation for many of the classical Internet users have become accustomed to open a browser and type in the search bar the word or sentence, and then Then, seeing a lot of proposed computer sites, we are faced with the problem of quality and selection of information, relevant at the moment. Turning to the Internet in response to serious questions, the best, of course, refer to specialized sites, containing a thematic compilation of materials, for Internet projects with a specific thematic areas – here sense the hand of professionals and therefore have a responsibility for the quality of published data. But you will agree, is not easy in a vast, albeit a systematic search of information you need – it takes a lot of time and not always for sure What do I do this case? Search for a competent person, and went to the meeting, to pay for his services? This is only one option, but there’s another It is for that life seemed simpler, has developed this form of interaction professionals and citizens as an Internet conference. Today, no one will argue with the fact that online conferences are invaluable for the development of information and communication infrastructure of society and therefore actively practiced throughout the world.
Their value lies in the fact that they allow you to quickly obtain high-quality first-hand information without spending a huge amount of time walking in different instances in the search for competent people. It’s simple: you can while sitting at home or office computer, ask a question and then receive a full response. Only need to be aware of when and who conducts these activities. It’s simple, is not it? However, despite this, in the Kirov region this form of communication such as Internet-conference has not yet become widely applicable, and is still perceived as a novelty. Why? Habit of addressing the problem without any intermediaries, visiting special bodies? Or affected by distrust of online information? Whatever it was, one of the reasons is that such activities are a limited number of sites, usually topical and relevant high level of professional service, and such in our city, frankly, quite a bit. One of them is a portal Besides the fact that he has the status only in the information and analytical source of information on real estate, land, investments and construction, he practices a form of cooperation between the specialists and citizens, government and society, as an Internet conference. The next one will be held very soon – 28 February. How to tell the editor portal Angelina Lettova about the upcoming event, “it will not be the first Internet conference held Investor Geoinformation System of the Kirov region. In December 2007 on a portal an internet conference with the deputy of Russian State Duma am Rozuvanom. This was our first experience of such events. And if it is due to objective reasons, and not on a plan, it was more like a forum, the February online conference will be an event more serious and massive. ” It will be based on the Federal Registration Service for the Kirov region. The participants will become employees of the Office – competent professionals, confronted with the practice of real estate registration almost daily and are willing to share their knowledge with kirovchane, with those who are worried about the legal registration of rights to objects commercial and residential real estate, mortgages and other, similar to this, the topic.
This is Elena Kobeleva – Head of legal security and judicial remedies, Elena Embasinova – Head receiving the documents, registration of arrests and Vladimir Pavlovich Pikulin – Head of Registration of land rights. Incidentally, the theme of the upcoming online conference – registration of real property rights, more than relevant, because today legalization of any transaction – a necessary condition for the existence of ownership of real estate, how to protect themselves from unlawful acts, and virtually every one of us somehow came across a lot of questions relating to this. And, certainly, among them remains unclear. offers you, open the desired web page of the portal, to become party to the Internet conference, calmly, deliberately formulated the question and sending it to experts. Answers to their questions can be found on the site February 28-29.