Reasons Worker
It is not rare to find people who, for a condition of its internal psicodinmica, the tool of that possesss the propensity to all they make use its force of work, can at any time be excused. The disdain devastates the universe of the work and brings drastic consequences for all the ones that have in its work its only form of survival. However, the force of work demanded necessary of special qualification, exactly that it is, as old, to press a simple button. Thus, for most of the activities a complex worker demands itself, who knows much more beyond what she would be necessary for the execution of determined task. Following the tecnicidade of the world, he goes yourself, gradually, needing a worker with bigger abilities, agile, that he knows to deal with a new representation of world, exactly that is for occupying a simple position as of operator. This person has to dominate its language, in some cases another language, has to have in such a way manual rapidity, as in the voice and the mind, beyond a luggage of available information while personal resource for, before any difficulty, to use it.
Thus, the world of the work becomes, of fast and surprising form, a monstrous complex, that if on the other hand could help to assist the man in its quality of life, on the other hand? sponsored for that they keep the control of the capital, of the daily tool that puts into motion the choice of priorities? , it dominates the man in all its aspects. Some are absorbed, demanded, sucked. The other alados solitude, the irreparable loss. It is said in corrosion of the character because nobody, nor the ones that would have all the reasons to be satisfied with the system since they represent its proper ideal, faces its job in a horizon in long stated period.