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Positive Constitutional

With this work one searched to analyze the Public Defensoria in its complete formation, of its legitimacy and jurisprudence when becoming related with the Constitution, that is, first analyzed the Constitution of 1988 so that it was understood the real significance and importance of the Public Defensoria in what it is said as efetivador agency of the proper constitution, that is, to the function of the Defensoria of guarantee of the rights and the beginning of the equality between the classrooms. Therefore it is of total ability of the Public Defensoria to guarantee the access to the justice to that they want to defend its rights and that they do not possess necessary income so that its interests are represented, appealing, therefore to the counsels for indigents, who must give its services without hesitation, this mainly related the all type of descriminao. At last, we search to analyze mainly the public Defensoria of the State of the Maranho, located in its So Lus capital, being externando all the characteristics of this agency, as much in its effectiveness as in the availability ahead of the society, beyond its proper infrastructure, thus to argue if its responsibility as warranting of the principles of the equality, the contradictory and legal defense really they are assured as foreseen in the constitution, knowing itself that this established the proper Public Defensoria.

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