State Education School

On this Menegolla (2005, P. 10) it concludes saying: In this manner the professors start to perceive that the planejamentos requested they do not pass of bureaucratic requirements or defenses of certain pedagogical modismos. Such procedure, in accordance with the perception of the professors, would result in the pedagogical envaidecimento of certain sectors of the school. The planning must be instrument of organization of the pedagogical-administrative work for all the sectors of the school, therefore together they are imbudos in one same objective that is to prepare man to construct its to live well. Leaving of this transforming vision of planning it is defended idea only not to depend on the action of the professor, but of a collective work inside of the school, especially a critical conscience on the part of the management and coordination of the school that must be involved in all the educational process. The Pertaining to school Controller must know and know to use theories, principles, concepts and methods of organization, planning and organizacional change.

He must understand and know to explain the relation between general educational objectives with the Lines of direction of the National and State Education and with the Proposal Pedagogical of the School. He must know still to set in motion the mechanisms that take the school to reach the objectives. In this direction, it is important to place that the planning, when taken the serious one and with dynamism, provides changes of a real situation. Menegolla (2005, P. 27) says: ' ' The planning cannot be limited for an individualistic vision, that it looks to conform the human being to a system of restricted vises, without its basic necessities are satisfeitas' '. It contributes when the bureaucratic work of the school defends the fact of the supervisors not to be able to limit it, they are organizadores of this didactic and pedagogical action, together with the professors, and are co-responsible for the process to excite, in the professors, the taste in planning the pedagogical work, since they are them actors who work directly with the professors and search an education more democratic.

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