Socialist International

The PC of Brazil appeared as Brazilian section of the Socialist International in the revolutionary wave created by the Bolchevique Revolution that occurred in Russia in 1917. Soon it assumes the hegemony of the Brazilian Working-class movement and formulates the theory of the Brazilian revolution. Of an orthodox form this theory tried to abstract rules in natura of other revolutionary theories of Vladimir Lnin, made for another different reality of the reality Brazilian. Another newness brought for the Communist Party of Brazil was the autocrtica as an attempt to promote the constant perfectioning of practical its. Therefore the party makes a series of adjustments in its program, its form of performance and the formularization of the theory of the Brazilian socialism.

Another factor that influenced this series of formularizations was the clandestinidade; up to 1946 the PC of Brazil had passed 80% of its existence more than in clandestinity. Such fact made with that the party acted in the embroidery frames of other legends as: the Laboring Block and Campons (BOC) and Aliana Nacional Libertadora (ANL). The period most prosperous of the party was in 1946, when acting in the legality, it disputed the elections, it chose a senator and 10% of the representatives of those elections. After to have its register annulled in 1947 for General Eurico Caspar Dutra the Communist Party of Brazil enters again in the biggest ideological crisis of its history. The direction of the party starts to make a series of modifications, of matrix pacifist, in its statute and programs from now on. Moreover, XX the Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in 1956, represented the end of ' ' stalinismo' ' a demoralization of the organizacional system internationalist lead for that party since 1919. In such a way, the direction of the PC of dumb Brazil the name of the party for Brazilian Communist Party in 1957.

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